
Interviews and Selections

Interview Question - do You Have Any Question From me?

Always say 'Yes,' when an interviewer asks if you have questions. Surprisingly, the most common answer to the interview question, "Do you have any questions?" is no. Not only is this the wrong answer, but it's also a missed opportunity.

Since this question is common at the end of every type of job interview, it makes sense to plan for it in advance and be prepared. Develop a list of questions that you want answering and keep in mind that your questions may change slightly based upon your interviewer. If you're meeting with someone from human resources, for instance, your questions might focus on the interviewing processor on the overall organization of the company. If you're meeting with the person who will be your manager, you might ask specific questions about your intended role or about the hiring process for new employees.

Your questions should make it clear that you were engaged during the interview and have quickly gained a sense of the company's goals and priorities. You can reflect back to earlier moments in the interview or build off of news within the company or its market.

Aim to always ask open-ended questions and not questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no."

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019       1315 Views