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Rugby football

Rugby football refers to the team sports of rugby league and rugby union. Here in the video, you will find the finest moments of the Rugby.

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In 1845, Rugby football first being played at Rugby School in Rugby, Warwickshire. In 1895, Rugby split into two sports. It was a hundred years later in 1995, following the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa, that rugby union turned fully professional. The respective world governing bodies are World Rugby and the Rugby League International Federation. Rugby football was one of many versions of football played at English public schools in the 19th century. Although rugby league initially used rugby union rules, they are now wholly separate sports. In addition to these two codes, both American and Canadian football evolved from rugby football in the beginning of the 20th century.

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A rugby ball, originally called a quango, is a diamond shape ball used for easier passing.
Rugby shirts were formerly made of cotton but are now made of a cotton and polyester mix.


Following are the rules which must be followed while playing Rugby football:

  • The game is broken down into two 40 minute halves with a 10 minute rest period in between. Each team can start with 15 players and up to 7 substitutes.
  • The field must be roughly 100 meters long and 70 meters wide with a minimum of a 10-meter dead ball area.
  • The game must have one referee and two touch judges.
  • The defending team must tackle a player by grabbing hold and pulling them to the floor.
  • A successful conversion, penalty or kick at goal only occurs when the player manages to kick the ball through the top section of the goal.
  • Attacking players must remain behind the ball whilst active or run the risk of being called offside. Players not interfering with play can be in front of the ball but must get back behind the ball before then again interfering with play.

  Mustafa Duolky

  Monday, 22 Jul 2019       873 Views