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Aptitude Test Topic: Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities that are required in order to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in advanced studies.



This passage is accompanied by questions about its content. For each question, select the best answer among the five choices. Answer all questions on the basis of what the passage states or implies.

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Reading Comprehension: Long Passage Practice MCQ

On August 22, 1939, Adolf Hitler summoned his top military generals to Obersalzberg, where he delivered a speech explaining his plans for war, first with Poland, then with the rest of Europe. Despite resistance from those both inside and outside Germany, Hitler felt exceedingly confident that he could defy the will of the international community and conquer vast amounts of land. In his speech at Obersalzberg, he laid out numerous factors he believed would contribute to the success of his war plans.

Chief among Hitler's sources of confidence in Germany's brazen war plans was German military quickness. Hitler said, "Our strength lies in our quickness." On the advice of Colonel-General von Brauchitsch, Hitler believed Poland could be captured in a few weeks, an astonishingly short amount of time given the recent history of trench warfare and the long history of protracted European military engagements that resulted in minimal land gains and high casualty counts.

Hitler's confidence in the ability of the German military to inflict considerable brutality further strengthened his determination to pursue an exceedingly ambitious plan of territorial aggrandizement. He said, "I shall shoot everyone who utters one word of criticism" and noted that "the goal to be obtained in the war is not that of reaching certain lines but of physically demolishing the opponent." In this vein, Hitler ordered his military to "be hard, be without mercy, [and] act more quickly and brutally than others…for it scares the others off." Hitler believed that enemies, not used to this type of brutality, would surrender quickly.

In addition to speed and brutality, Hitler believed that, in the end, history would overlook his inhumane conduct. To support this view, which turned out to be anything but prescient, Hitler invoked a Pollyannaish view of Asian leader Genghis Kahn. In Hitler's eyes, Kahn "sent millions of women and children into death knowingly and with a light heart," yet "history sees in him only the great founder of States."

Although Hitler brimmed with confidence and experienced initial yet widely-expected success in Poland and then in Denmark, he overlooked important considerations. In many ways, Hitler made the same mistake Napoleon Bonaparte made years earlier. Hitler believed he could advance further and conquer Britain, yet, like Napoleon, Hitler did not adequately foresee the insurmountable barrier posed by Britain's island status. Despite the damage inflicted at the hands of the German Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (1940), British forces eventually won this important battle. Nevertheless, Hitler pressed on and, in an even more fateful decision that carried echoes of a Napoleonic tactical misstep, invaded the USSR where his forces suffered the decisive defeat of World War II at Stalingrad in 1943. In the end, Hitler's reputation in history proved to be as brutal and decisive as the battle plans and philosophy he announced at Obersalzberg.

Question Statement:

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with explaining:

The logistics of Hitler's war strategy and the mechanics of its failure
The philosophy of Hitler's war strategy and the world's reaction
Why Hitler believed his war plans would succeed and why they eventually failed
Hitler's plans and their failure with an eye to pre-1900 history
Explaining the source of Hitler's brutality and the reasons for its failure


Correct Answer: C

In order to understand the main thrust of the passage, examine the logical flow and main points of the passage.

1st Paragraph: Introduction

2nd Paragraph: Hitler's Sources of Confidence

3rd Paragraph: Hitler's Sources of Confidence

4th Paragraph: Hitler's Sources of Confidence

5th Paragraph: Brief Explanation of Hitler's Failure

A. The author did not address logistics such as troop numbers, weaponry, or intelligence.

B. The passage never discussed the world's reaction.

C. This encapsulates the author's main points and line of argument.

D. Hitler's plans are not discussed. Instead, the article focuses on why Hitler believed he would win. Further, the author never related pre-1900 history with Hitler's plans (the reference to Kahn pertained to Hitler's confidence, not his plans).

E. The author describes Hitler's brutality as a source of Hitler's confidence. The article does not discuss the sources of the brutality itself. In other words, the article focuses on much more than Hitler's brutality (e.g., his military speed). The brutality is only one example to make a larger point: why Hitler believed he would win.

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The question: The author of the passage is primarily concerned with explaining: .... with options: The logistics of Hitler's war strategy and the mechanics of its failure , The philosophy of Hitler's war strategy and the world's reaction , Why Hitler believed his war plans would succeed and why they eventually failed , Hitler's plans and their failure with an eye to pre-1900 history can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Reading Comprehension.