

10 Steps to Convince Anyone

The more positive word, "Convince" The goal is to persuade, to make them want to agree with you and feel happy, smart, or right. The word "per-suasive" tactics strongly influence what you say next, and what your audience retains.

10 Steps to Convince Anyone

1.     Be as confident as you are assertive

Cast yourself as an expert in the subject by using good examples and solid reasoning and make it easy for the other person to believe you. To convince someone that your perspective about the Beatles is valid, you're going to have to first make it seem as if you know what you're talking about when it comes to music.

2.     Engage the person Politely

Maintain eye contact, use an even tone of voice, and remain calm throughout the discussion. Establishing mutual respect is critical. You will never convince anybody of anything if they believe you do not respect them, so show the person you respect them and be good enough to gain their respect.

3.     Define the terms of the discussion

Discussing Women

For certain arguments you may need to know more than just the facts. Don't waste time arguing about whether or not the Eiffel tower is pretty if you're trying to establish that it's iconic.

4.     Back up your reasoning with vivid examples and evidence

You need to use memorable and striking details that will illustrate your points for you. If you want to convince someone the Beatles are the greatest band of all time, it'll be tough going if you can't remember the name of "that one album" you like, or if you can't listen to any of the music to provide a common reference while you're having the discussion.

5.     Make it personal

Personal Girl

If you want to convince someone that the death penalty is "wrong," you're going to have to appeal to their sense of morality, an inherently emotional argument. While anecdotal evidence can be considered a logical fallacy, appealing to someone's sense of empathy and pathos by telling a personal anecdote related to the topic can be quite convincing.

6.     Identify the other person's objections and motivations:

When you've identified the motivations behind their point of view, rephrase your beliefs in a way that the other person is better able to understand. Ask questions of your opponent to get them to see the same gaps in thinking that you're noticing.

7.     Gain the person's trust:


Empathize and relate to their point of view, conceding points where necessary, but keeping your eye on changing their mind. If you work them into a corner of logic they can't escape from, you'll have convinced them, and they'll have accepted that it's ok to agree with you and change their mind if you're a courteous conversationalist.

8.     Do your homework:

Find out the facts first, without making any assumptions about the other person's point of view. If you are selling something, like a car, you will need to know all there is to know about the car you are selling. Likewise, you will need to know all about the other cars that are in competition with your vehicle.

9.     Compliment their thought process:

Thinking Girl

Next time a prospect says something you agree with, reply, It sounds like you’ve put some thought into this. if you make prospects think they’ve spent some time coming to a belief, they’re far likelier to hold on to it.

10.     Present the counter-argument:

Not only should you be prepared for any counter-arguments the other person brings up, you might even consider bringing up the counter-arguments for them. Setting up arguments before knocking them down will make you far more convincing.

  Zarina Kamal

  Tuesday, 19 Nov 2019       965 Views