Column A Column B On a road trip, Kamran drove 600 miles and used 45 gallons of gas. His friend Sultan drove half as far and used 30 gallons of gas. Miles per gallon of Kamran's carMiles per gallon of Sultan’s car
This problem requires basic arithmetic. To find the mileage, divide the number of miles driven by the gallons used: 600 ÷ 45 compared to 300 ÷ 30. Correct Answer: A.
65 MCQ for effective preparation of the test of Introduction to Quantitative Comparison of Quantitative Comparison section.
Read the MCQ statement: Column A Column B On a road trip, Kamran drove 600 miles and used 45 gallons of gas. His friend Sultan drove half as far and used 30 gallon .... of Sultan’s car , keenly and apply the method you have learn through the video lessons for Introduction to Quantitative Comparison to give the answer. Record your answer and check its correct answer and video explanation for MCQ No. 9-11135.