Over the years the Wajahat slowly ______ upon the Jabbar’s property, moving the stone markers that divided their lots farther and farther onto the Jabbar’s land.
To encroach (v.) means to gradually or stealthily take the rights or possessions of another; to advance beyond proper or formal limits; trespass.
232 MCQ for effective preparation of the test of Sentence Completion of Sentence Completion - Fill in the Blanks section.
Read the MCQ statement: Over the years the Wajahat slowly ______ upon the Jabbar’s property, moving the stone markers that divided their lots farther and farther onto the Jabbar’s land., keenly and apply the method you have learn through the video lessons for Sentence Completion to give the answer. Record your answer and check its correct answer and video explanation for MCQ No. 26-11496.