AU - Ataturk University is officially accredited and/or affiliated and/or recognized by: Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
Ataturk University is ranked at 7 in Turkey where as World Rank is 815. The Approximate enrollment in the university is 50000 students. The university offers Diploma/Certificate, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctorate Degree, programs in various disciplines. The University offers Need and Merit baesd Financial Aid (Scholarships).
The University offers Diploma/Certificate, Bachelor - under-graduate, Master - graduate (MS), Doctorate - post-graduate (PhD) degree programs in many fields of study including Business/Administration Sciences, Letter, Language, and Culture, Health Sciences, Engineering and Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Economics, Education, Fisheries, Religious Studies/Theology, Dentistry, Fine Arts, Communication, Law, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Environmental Science, Computer Sciences, History, Geography, Bio Sciences and Technologies, Physical Education and Sports, Architecture, Medicines, and more.