WWU - Western Washington University is officially accredited and/or affiliated and/or recognized by: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
Western Washington University is ranked at 208 in America where as World Rank is 571. The Approximate enrollment in the university is 19999 students. The university offers Diploma/Certificate, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, programs in various disciplines. The University offers Need and Merit baesd Financial Aid (Scholarships).
The University offers Diploma/Certificate, Bachelor - under-graduate, Master - graduate (MS), degree programs in many fields of study including Arts and Humanities, Business/Administration Sciences, Health Sciences, Engineering and Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Fisheries, Dentistry, Fine Arts, Communication, Law, Pharmacy, Commerce, Information Technology, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Food and Nutrition, Wood Sciences and Forestery, Aeronautics and Aviation Science, Nursing, Oceanography, Computer Sciences, History, Geography, Sociology, Bio Sciences and Technologies, Architecture, Medicines, and more.