
Universities in Rio Grande do Sul


Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul with the population of about 11 Million is a major city in Brazil. The national language is Portuguese and the language in Rio Grande do Sul is Portuguese. There are many higher education institutions in Rio Grande do Sul like Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, University of The Rio Dos Sinos Valley, Federal University of Santa Maria, Federal University of Pelotas, University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Federal Foundation University of Rio Grande, University of Caxias do Sul, University of Passo Fundo, Lutheran University of Brazil, and Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul State. The complete list is available in links list below.

The Rio Grande do Sul has a gaucho culture like its foreign neighbors. It was originally inhabited by the Guarani people. The first Europeans there were Jesuits, followed by settlers from the Azores. In the 19th century, it was the scene of conflicts including the Farroupilha Revolution and the Paraguayan War. Large waves of German and Italian migration have shaped the state.

Universities in Rio Grande do Sul - List

Facts about Rio Grande do Sul

  • Population: About 11 Million
  • Local Language: Portuguese
  • Postal Code: 96200-000
  • Weather:
    19.5 °C | 67.1 °F

Travel Advisory:

Rio Grande do Sul is unique due to the contrast in its climate: in the winter, in mountain areas, snow can fall, covering roofs and fields. In the summer, the sun shines with ease, raising temperatures and leading the gauchos and visitors to beaches such as the Guarita, in Torres.
The State of Rio Grande do Sul offers academic programs from all different fields of knowledge, for all stages of education, ranging from elementary to graduate school. The qualification of its faculty, composed mostly of master’s and doctorate degree holders, the continuous updating of the infrastructure of laboratories and libraries, the increase to student assistance, as well as the prioritization of its national and international involvement are policies in constant development.
O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul oferece programas acadêmicos de todas as diferentes áreas do conhecimento, para todas as etapas da educação, do ensino fundamental ao ensino médio. A qualificação de seu corpo docente, composta principalmente por mestres e doutores, a atualização contínua da infraestrutura de laboratórios e bibliotecas, o aumento da assistência ao aluno, bem como a priorização de seu envolvimento nacional e internacional, são políticas em constante desenvolvimento.

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