A sentence is a self-contained unit of meaning. Writing is constructed by putting sentences in sequence, one after another and, if a single sentence is read aloud, it should be understandable.
Anyone who needs help learning or mastering Formatting Rules in English Sentence material will benefit from the lessons in this chapter of Sentence Structure. There is no faster or easier way to learn when to italicize and when to underline, how to apply quotes and when to capitalize certain words. Among those who would benefit are:
This chapter summarizes the material students need to know about Formatting Rules for a standard English course. Topics covered include:
Zeynep Ogkal
Thursday, 02 Jan 2020 914 Views
Using Italic Font
do You Underline or Italicize Book Titles?
Quote a Quote
When How to Block Quote
Underline or Italicize Movie Titles
Capitalize Job Titles