
Interviews and Selections

Do not show Desperation during an Interview - Interview Tips

Avoid re-stating why you should have the job. Instead, focus on why you enjoyed meeting the interviewer. Your interviewer most likely knows the reasons why you want the job.

Avoid re-stating why you should have the job. Instead, focus on why you enjoyed meeting the interviewer. Your interviewer most likely knows the reasons why you want the job (based on your interview), so re-stating those reasons during your follow up may lend you toward appearing desperate.

When summing up your work experience for the interviewer and your skills, take an approach that shows you have learned from your experience and still retain optimism for the future. Avoid using terms that describe current and previous experiences as totally dire or terrifically amazing, because both extremes will be discounted by an interviewer as unrealistic and unbalanced. Find the middle way to describe your experience and you won't sound desperate to convey exaggerated viewpoints.

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019       1030 Views