In this lesson, we will examine the use of transition words to smoothly connect thoughts and ideas. We will look at specific examples of transition words that support, contrast, indicate time, or show consequences.

Defining Transition Words

Why do you need to know about transition words?

Take a look at this sentence: 'The petit fours were individually wrapped; however, the crudités were placed on trays.'

Now, look at this sentence: 'The petit fours were individually wrapped after the crudités were placed on trays.'

The basic information contained in the clauses is the same, but the meaning is slightly altered by the choice of transition words. Transition words are used by writers to improve the flow of writing by smoothly shifting between ideas. Among other things, transition words may be used to connect, contrast, show cause/effect relationships, and indicate chronology or position between ideas. Let's examine some transition words and look at examples of how they are used in writing.



Sometimes, transition words are used to support or add information to the preceding clause or sentence. The following are examples of commonly used transition words that provide extra information to readers.

For example:

Toby sat down to finish his taxes. Similarly, Aaron occupied the chair across the table from him where he completed his homework.



At other times, transition words are used to show disagreement between two ideas. Take a look at some contradictory transition words.

For example:

Despite the committee's recommendation, the company decided to move forward with the decision to hire one hundred additional employees.

Cause And Effect


Sometimes, transition words are used to indicate cause/effect relationships. The following list provides examples of transition words that indicate consequence.

For example:

James did not complete his homework; therefore, he was not allowed to choose his activity.


Transition words are also used to indicate the timeline of events. The next list shows transition words that indicate the order of events.


For example:

After learning that Elizabeth lied about being at Teresa's house, Elizabeth's mother grounded her.

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Friday, 27 Dec 2019       692 Views

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