- Introduction
- Information technology and ethics
- Computer crimes give rise to ethical conflicts
- Home shoplifting network & piracy
- Account hacking a new evil
- Copy rights acts violation
- Computer criminals & their concept of ethics
- Need for the establishment of a criminal justice force
- Conclusion
The information age is the age we live in today, and with the information age comes an age of ethics. When we deal with the new technologies introduced every day, we need to decide what we must consider ethical and unethical. We must consider all factors so that the use of the information readily available to many persons is not abused
Information technology will be the most fundamental area of ethical concern for business in the next decade. The most widely used tool of the information age is the computer, whether it be a PC or a network of computer systems. As we enter the information age the newness and power of information technologies tests the ethics of the average person, not just the criminal and causes thousands of computer crimes to be committed daily. The most common computer crime committed daily, some water and many not, is the illegal sharing of computer software. Software is any of the programs used in operating a digital computer, as input and output programs, as defined by Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary.
When you purchase computer software, you purchase it with the underezing that it will be for use on a single computer, once, installed on that systems, it is not to be loaded on any other computer. However many people are not aware of this underezing, and many load a program on a couple of computers or on a whole network of computer systems not aware that they are committing a crime. Even though you probably will not be prosecuted for loading a program on a friend’s compute, this is where your ethics come in.
Do you consider anything when you share a program with others? If not then consider the programmers of the software who are denied compensation for their developments every time you distribute a piece of soft ward. Why is it that people who wouldn’t think of stealing pack of gum will copy a Rs. 500 piece of software? A popular from off illegal software distribution is throughout the online world. Software “pirates” thrive freely online. These so called “pirates” operate by uploading pieces of software, commonly referred to as “warez”, into an online service’s database then sending through e-mail the rights to download them. The information Superhighway has opened the door to a new kind of highway robbery-the home shoplifting network”. When you access a online service, you are identified through an account which most commonly consists of a user ID and password. The password is so you only can access the online services with your user ID. Many people online use their own accounts to access their service, but many steal and use the accounts of others or make fake accounts. When online, these account “pirates” many times trick other user into giving their password to them by impersonating an employee of the online service.
Other can hack into the online services mainframe computer and steal thousands of accounts. Probably the most common method getting online without paying is the use of fake or fraudulent accounts. These are made by giving false information when attempting to gain access to an online service. Name, address, phone number, and billing information, such as checking account or credit card number, are all falsified in obtaining an online account. With these stolen and take accounts, software “pirates” have virtually unlimited time to download their “warez” without any charge to them. Many people don’t consider the people behind the creation of software when they illegally distribute it.
The developers of software are not properly compensated for their work because of the extent of software piracy. No one can argue with a software company’s desire, and right, to make sure everyone using their products has paid for it. The numbers add up, it is estimated that in last year alone that software companies lost $ 35 billion from illegal software copying.
It is not only illegal, But clearly unethical to distribute software knowing that the people behind the software are experiencing the downfalls of it. Every time software companies cannot compensate their programmers for their work more people are out of a job. Consider this, you enter a store and purchase an item, during this transaction you give your name and phone number. The person you have given this information to then enters it into a computerized database. After this person has collected a sufficient amount of names, they then sell it to a telemarketing firm for a profit. This action is legal, but is it ethical.