  1. Introduction
  2. Statistics about oceans
  3. Ambiguous attitude to oceans
  4. Sizability of oceans
  5. Oceans a source of oxygen supply
  6. Toxic pollution a threat to marine life
  7. Conclusion

The ocean covers Seventy-one percent of our planets surface. Life is concentrated, however, in about four percent of it and it is this four percent that is being polluted by the tons everyday. Everyone needs to understand that the oceans are not endless, and not bottomless. They also must see that the ocean contains much marine life which are essential to our eco-system. And in order to preserve this other world of life, we must stop polluting the oceans, and being to clean them up.

Although using the ocean for a toxic waste dump may provide for a cheap alternative for a cheap alternative, we must not succumb to these ideals, and then the world as we know it may not be as great a world for our children as it was for us.

First we need to understand that the oceans are not the vast resources that we believe them to be, but just vulnerable natural resources. Before Columbus Day, the oceans were thought to be boundless. Although Columbus proved this theory incorrect, the thought still remain in toy’s societies. For we of the 21st century still treat the ocean as the endless, bottomless pit it was considered to be in medieval times. The majority of the world’s population still lives under the misconception that the ocean is a hungry abyss, eager to devour all their waste. These beliefs, however, are all untrue. The average depth of the oceans is only a little more than a mile, when in fact, some lakes exceed this depth rather handily. Although the size of the ocean is often pondered, the thought that it may one day be gone, is never considered. The vast majority of all life in the ocean, inhabits only 1/25 of these waters, but it is these are in the most danger. In the begging of the world, marine plankton was vital to the evolution of man.

Today, it is even more important to us, being that it provides us with a great percentage of oxygen we receive. These minute plant species manufactured so much oxygen that it rose above the surface to help from the atmosphere we heavy today. With the disappearance of the plankton through increased pollution, the obvious result will be a total deprivation of our oxygen supply, in turn limiting all people to certain limits. And with urban expansion leading to deforestation, our dependence upon marine life becomes heightened. The importance of marine plankton cannot be emphasized enough, yet most people fall to recognize it as the vital life supply it is.

The ocean covers Seventy-one percent of our planets surface. Life is concentrated, however, in about four percent of it and it is this four percent that is being polluted by the tons everyday. Everyone needs to understand that the oceans are not endless, and not bottomless. They also must see that the ocean contains much marine life which are essential to our eco-system. And in order to preserve this other world of life, we must stop polluting the oceans, and being to clean them up.

Although using the ocean for a toxic waste dump may provide for a cheap alternative for a cheap alternative, we must not succumb to these ideals, and then the world as we know it may not be as great a world for our children as it was for us.

First we need to understand that the oceans are not the vast resources that we believe them to be, but just vulnerable natural resources. Before Columbus Day, the oceans were thought to be boundless. Although Columbus proved this theory incorrect, the thought still remain in toy’s societies. For we of the 21st century still treat the ocean as the endless, bottomless pit it was considered to be in medieval times. The majority of the world’s population still lives under the misconception that the ocean is a hungry abyss, eager to devour all their waste. These beliefs, however, are all untrue. The average depth of the oceans is only a little more than a mile, when in fact, some lakes exceed this depth rather handily. Although the size of the ocean is often pondered, the thought that it may one day be gone, is never considered. The vast majority of all life in the ocean, inhabits only 1/25 of these waters, but it is these are in the most danger. In the begging of the world, marine plankton was vital to the evolution of man.

Today, it is even more important to us, being that it provides us with a great percentage of oxygen we receive. These minute plant species manufactured so much oxygen that it rose above the surface to help from the atmosphere we heavy today. With the disappearance of the plankton through increased pollution, the obvious result will be a total deprivation of our oxygen supply, in turn limiting all people to certain limits. And with urban expansion leading to deforestation, our dependence upon marine life becomes heightened. The importance of marine plankton cannot be emphasized enough, yet most people fall to recognize it as the vital life supply it is.

  Maliha Javed

  Tuesday, 19 Nov 2019       647 Views

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