Short Passages
Read the QUESTION stems that follow the reading passage twice. Previewing the question stems enhances comprehension and begins to access your outside knowledge before you begin to read. While reading the question stem the first time, circle the following KEY words:
- “according to the author (passage)” Make sure to answer from this point of view.
- “main idea” This is the most important thought of the passage.
- “best” Another answer may be acceptable, but this one most closely fits.
- “mainly” Not completely, but most importantly.
- “chiefly” Compared to the others, this is above the rest.
- “except” This identifies something that does not belong with the rest.
- “some” Not all.
- “implies (suggests)” The author has hinted at, but not directly stated.
- “only” This means exclusively that one and no other.
- “primarily” This means mainly or the chief one, before all others.
- “most likely” A logical prediction or conclusion.
- “similar” Asks for a comparison.
- “differs” Asks for a contrast.
- “most nearly means” Asks for the definition in context.
- “assertions” Points to be made.
- “most directly” Most specifically.
- “imagery” A mental picture or image.
- “tone” The manner in which something is said.
- “organization” How the passage is structured.
- “developed” How the thesis is proven throughout the passage.
Read the question stem a second time and mark each with a “G” if it is a GENERAL question and “S” if it is a SPECIFIC question. A general question stem is one that can be answered without looking back in the passage for specific details. “Best title,” or “the main idea,” or “the tone of the passage” are examples of general question stems on the reading section. Sometimes they will have reading passage line numbers as a reference; other times they will not. A specific question stem is one that cannot be answered unless you look back for the details in the passage.
If the passage is expository or persuasive:
PREVIEW the passage by reading the last sentence of the first paragraph. The thesis statement is found here in about 50% of all expository reading. Then read the first sentence in each body paragraph. The topic sentence is found her in about 80% of all expository reading.
READ the passage, carrying on a dialogue with the text. Focus on finding the sections that deal with the question stems that you have already read. Mark a CHECK by any answers to questions that you remember from reading the question stems.
If the passage is narrative:
PREVIEW the passage by reading the first and last sentence in the reading sections. Frequently, the most important clues to the meaning of a short narrative passage are in these positions.
READ the passage, carrying on a dialogue with the text. Focus on finding the sections that deal with the question stems that you have already read. Mark a CHECK by any answers to questions that you remember from reading the question stems.
Answer the GENERAL question stems (those marked “G”) first. Guess on any general question stems of which you are not sure. Do not return to the general test problems for reconsideration. Then, go back and answer the SPECIFIC question stems. Take the time to hunt and peck throughout the passage, using the line number references, to find the right answers, if needed.
The complete video lesson on Short Passage helps you understand the underlying concepts to solve the questions on the test. After taking the lesson, take practice tests based on Short Passage.
How to Learn Short Passage Video Tutorial
Video on Short Passage is a full tutorial for complete understanding to solve on aptitude test MCQs. You must take video lesson in one go. Take the notes on important points discussed. Keenly observe the methods applied to solve the sample questions. After taking the lesson take the practice tests on Short Passage.