When reducing wordiness, first look for repetition, which occurs when words or ideas are repeated. Many students unconsciously form the habit of repetition, especially when writing long papers. Just because an idea is reworded, it does not mean you're avoiding repetition or saying anything new.
Fixing this sort of repetition can take some serious thought. Depending on what it is you're repeating, you may have to delete whole sentences, even paragraphs. One way to reduce repetitive ideas is to ensure each paragraph has its own clear topic. Rearrange sentences or paragraphs to accomplish this. If you still have repeating ideas, then try adding in new information that will support the topic of each paragraph. In this way, you can replace the repeated ideas with new information.
The repetition of one word or phrase, however, is much easier to correct. Usually you can use synonyms or delete it altogether. Large can be replaced with huge or tremendous. Also, the phrase on the other hand can be replaced with the word however. Repeating words and ideas is actually pretty common in writing. Through practice, though, you'll be able to eliminate this form of wordiness!