Now Suitor 3 is a bit tricky. While he doesn't come in first for the man of Kayla's dreams, he is a close second. So, while she has to let this suitor down, she also wants to let him down in a way that leaves the door open for the future. Her response might read something like this:
Thank you so much for this proposal. If this were a different time, maybe my heart would allow me to say yes. However, at this time, I can't accept it. Perhaps in the future, the timing will be right for both of us.
So, while the answer was no, for now, Kayla did leave the door open with Suitor 3, letting him know not to completely give up hope.
Now, let's move on to Suitor 4. This lucky chap just happened to be the right guy at the right time. Kayla can give a short, sweet and to-the-point response:
Oftentimes, when we are writing an affirmative response, writing something that isn't controversial or writing something with which our audience is likely to agree, we can be a bit briefer.
When we speak of language in terms of tone, this can be considered the words we use to surround important information. For instance, sometimes we might make statements such as 'The following information is critical.' This alerts the reader that he or she should pay particularly close attention to what follows.
So, our highly sought-after Kayla might have informed Suitor 3 to pay close attention to what she was writing by starting with 'Pay close attention to what I am about to write.' This would have set him up for understanding that he was about to read something that would require thought, give him things to ponder and maybe even have a hidden message or two. He would've understood she wanted him to go beyond her 'No' and dig a bit deeper into her response.
Another aspect of language can be the punctuation that we use. Adding a question mark (?) lets the reader know we are preparing for a response from them. There is some work on their end that needs to take place before we move on to the next sentence. Adding a period (.) lets the reader know our thought is complete, and our statement was definite. Adding an exclamation point (!) lets the reader know there is a strong emphasis on our statement. We didn't just say it; we really, really meant it!