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GRE General: Reading Comprehension - How to Analyze a Literary Passage
Reading Comprehension - How to Answer Questions About Literature

In this lesson, we will examine test-taking strategies involved in answering multiple-choice questions about literature. Breaking the process down into manageable parts, we will take a look at the literary text, the question itself, and then the given choices.

Reading Comprehension - How to Answer Questions About Literature

Passage from Literature and the Multiple-Choice Question

Navigating a multiple-choice exam for literature is not much different than multiple-choice exam for other types like geometry or history. Though appears difficult the test taker can do the best if they first understand the text itself, they fully comprehend the question, and finally, they can distinguish among the often tricky choices in front of them.

The process will be easier if we break it down into comprehendible steps. Answering multiple-choice questions for passage from literature can be easily tackled by looking first at the given text, then the question itself, and finally the answer options.>

The Literary Text

A multiple-choice test for literature differ from other multiple-choice exams because, it comes down to the material you're presented with. You may have a passage of fiction or non-fiction prose or a well-known poem (as opposed to, say, a Biology identification question or a serious speech of an economist). You will be expected to examine the passage and then respond to a multiple-choice question.

But before you go to questions, you need to do something really important. You need to read very keenly. You need to go in-depth with the text in order to have basic comprehension. You pay attention to the basic material in the passage while you read it, you retain the information as you read, and you reach a basic understanding of the material by the end. How you can accomplish these steps? Use the following process:

Step One:

Notice the title if given. It may provide information about what is in the passage initially. Build a picture of what is the significance of the title keep in the mind the important words in the title.

Step Two:

Read the text. Underline keywords as you go through the passage.

Step Three:

Try to summarize the passage? Write a phrase that summarizes the entire passage. If you find that it is not completely understood what the passage is about. Go back again through the passage for pronouns that may help set a context, keywords that may help in recreating a situation or a story, and any words that indicate speaker purpose or emotion. This can be hard enough to deal with, and it may not always be clear initially. Write down anything that helps.

Step Four:

What type of passage is in front of you? Prose, Poetry, Fiction, or non-fiction? Note it down.

The whole work looks intimidating, but it is important. And really, once you get familiarity of it, it will become second nature. Remember, the idea here is to read, interpret and to gain an overall understanding of the passage before you read the questions themselves.

Let's try the process with a practice poem from the College Board website. While this Robert Frost piece does have a title, it has been left off for this exercise:

My Sorrow, when she's here with me,

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain

Are beautiful as days can be;

She loves the bare, the withered tree;

She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.

She talks and I am fain to list:

She's glad the birds are gone away,

She's glad her simple worsted grey

Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,

The faded earth, the heavy sky,

The beauties she so truly sees,

She thinks I have no eye for these,

And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know

The love of bare November days

Before the coming of the snow;

But it were vain to tell her so,

And they are better for her praise.

Now, let's follow the close reading process while taking notes next to the poem. Initially, I, the test taker, notice that there is no title. I recognize right away that the poem has four stanzas with a specific rhyme scheme. I recognize that the speaker references 'My sorrow' and calls it 'she' - this is personification. She loves the dark days of autumn which I know because the speaker gives many images that relate to the dreariness of autumn. I think, but I am not sure, that the speaker is saying he or she starts to see the beauty in the dreariness at the end. In summary, I think the poem might be about a person who is sad and whose emotional state helps to unveil the beauty in what would otherwise be a kind of depressing time of season.

Does this make sense? It's not that you should know all of the answers. It's that you should read closely and connect with the text by considering meaning.

Understanding the Question

The questions on multiple-choice exams come in different forms.

Here is a definite method that will clarify the process for you a bit. In other words, if you can identify what kind of question is being asked, you will feel a lot easier to tackle.

Consider the poem given above. Take a look at the following four questions about this poem. Consider the fact that each represents a different type of multiple-choice question:

1) The central subject of the poem is...

What kind of question is this? This is a straightforward, factual question.

2) The poet primarily uses which literary device to characterize the speaker's 'sorrow'?

This is a question that asks the test taker to draw conclusions based upon literary definitions. Obviously, there is fact and analysis involved, but the question itself focuses on literary devices and definitions.

3) In context, the word 'simple' in line 9 most nearly means...

This question involves a little bit of analysis and interpretation.

4) The speaker's attitude in the poem is primarily one of...

This question asks the test taker to read the text and infer something specific - in other words, make an educated conclusion from evidence.

These four questions are just the sample of the typical questions that appear on multiple-choice exams for the passage of literature. Initially, you will find it difficult to identify them. Obviously, it is important to know what type of question is being asked - especially when questions involve less concrete topics, like the tone or mood of a passage or the speaker's/writer’s attitude. If you read the prompt and think, I don't know what's being asked, but I recognize the type of question,' then you will have an understanding of what is expected of you and where to look in the text.

On multiple-choice exams for passage from literature, it is less likely that you will get a long question with more than one part. So, what should you do initially? You read the question and underline keywords. Do you see the word 'theme' or 'infer' or 'suggest' or other words like 'nearly' or 'probably?' These words are the key to you understanding what you need to do. As you read, you need to pay attention to what is being asked. Consider how these words would change the meaning of the sentence or clue you into the proper response.

Considering Your Options

When you take a look at your multiple-choice options on any given exam for literature, the first thing you need to do is - you guessed it - read closely. There may be tricky words in any given multiple-choice option, like 'always' or 'never' or 'sometimes.' You should immediately underline these, take another look at the prompt, and then rule out the responses that you know to be incorrect right away. These incorrect options are called distractors. Often distractors appear as absolutes - things that are always or never true. They're tricky, and they need to be read closely.

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