GRE General
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GRE General: Verbal Reasoning Section of The GRE
Text Completion Practice For The GRE

In this video lesson, you'll get some practice with Text Completion questions on the GRE revised General Test. Review these methods and be prepared for the indented test.

Text Completion Practice For The GRE

Text Completion Questions

Refer to the Video for detailed discussion and explanation

Text Completion questions can be somehow confusing, but the right way to deal with the weird formatting is to just dive right in headfirst and start practicing.

These questions ask you to fill in one or more blanks in a short passage with vocab words. If you have just one blank in the passage, you'll pick from five answer choices; for more than once, you'll have three choices per blank.

Question One

We'll start off the first practice round with a three-blank question. Here it is:

'Fueled by a(n) ____domestic fan base and increasing international ____~, the Korean pop music scene has grown rapidly in the past decade. The music - high-energy pop accompanied by choreographed dance numbers - appeals even to fans who speak no Korean themselves. However, some popular groups release songs in Chinese, Japanese and English in addition to Korean versions, the better to ____their international fans.'

Blank 1

  1. Idolized
  2. Zealous
  3. Pernicious

Blank 2

  1. Acclaim
  2. Incidence
  3. Orthodoxy

Blank 3

  1. Impugn
  2. Woo
  3. Abjure

Question Two

Ready for the next one? Here you go!

'Despite her ____discomfort with the arrangements, Maria was actually thrilled to be seated next to Piotr; she just didn't want to show it.'

  1. Initial
  2. Perpetual
  3. Ostensible
  4. Intransigent
  5. Delineated

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