
Reasoning - Logical Reasoning:

Logical Reasoning

MCQ - 67-8019

Farmers in the North have observed that heavy frost is usually preceded by a full moon. They are convinced that the full moon somehow generates the frost.


Farmers in the North have observed that heavy frost is usually preceded by a full moon. They are convinced that the full moon somehow generates the frost.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the farmers’ conviction?

  1. The temperature must fall below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) for frost to occur.
  2. Absence of clouds cools the ground which causes frost.
  3. Farmers are superstitious.
  4. Absence of clouds cools the ground which causes frost.
  5. Farmer are not experts in meteorology.

Correct Answer: B


Option B gives another reason for fog, so it weaken the farmer's conviction.

Record Performance

243 MCQ for effective preparation of the test of Logical Reasoning of Logical Reasoning section.

Read the MCQ statement: Farmers in the North have observed that heavy frost is usually preceded by a full moon. They are convinced that the full moon somehow generates the fr .... farmers’ conviction?, keenly and apply the method you have learn through the video lessons for Logical Reasoning to give the answer. Record your answer and check its correct answer and video explanation for MCQ No. 67-8019.

How to Answer

Solve the question for MCQ No. and decide which option (A through D/E) is the best choice to answer the MCQ, then click/tap the blue button to view the correct answer and it explanation.

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