
Reasoning - Logical Reasoning:

Logical Reasoning

MCQ - 68-8020

In a famous experiment by Pavlov, when a dog smelled food, it salivated. Subsequently, a bell was rung whenever food was placed near the dog. After a number of trials, only the bell was rung, whereupon the dog would salivate even though no food was present.


In a famous experiment by Pavlov, when a dog smelled food, it salivated. Subsequently, a bell was rung whenever food was placed near the dog. After a number of trials, only the bell was rung, whereupon the dog would salivate even though no food was present.

Which of the following conclusions may be drawn from the above experiment?

  1. Dogs are easily fooled
  2. Doges are motivated only by the sound of a bell.
  3. The ringing of a bell was associated with food.
  4. Doges are motivated only by the sound of a bell.
  5. Two stimuli are stronger than one.

Correct Answer: C


It can be infer from the statement that the ringing of a bell and supply of food to the dog simultaneously, created a link between the ringing of bell and food, in the brain of the dog. That is why, when the bell rings alone, the dog is salivated. This is stated in option C, which is the correct option choice fro the question.

Record Performance

243 MCQ for effective preparation of the test of Logical Reasoning of Logical Reasoning section.

Read the MCQ statement: In a famous experiment by Pavlov, when a dog smelled food, it salivated. Subsequently, a bell was rung whenever food was placed near the dog. After a .... he above experiment?, keenly and apply the method you have learn through the video lessons for Logical Reasoning to give the answer. Record your answer and check its correct answer and video explanation for MCQ No. 68-8020.

How to Answer

Solve the question for MCQ No. and decide which option (A through D/E) is the best choice to answer the MCQ, then click/tap the blue button to view the correct answer and it explanation.

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