
Reasoning - Logical Reasoning:

Logical Reasoning

MCQ - 69-8021

Eminently the best long distance runners are those who are trained in hilly areas. Anyone who can acclimate himself to the thin air of hills and the countryside should have no trouble disposing of those competitors who practice in air-conditioned gymnasiums.


Eminently the best long distance runners are those who are trained in hilly areas. Anyone who can acclimate himself to the thin air of hills and the countryside should have no trouble disposing of those competitors who practice in air-conditioned gymnasiums.

Which question would the author find most difficult to answer?

  1. Why would anyone want to build a gymnasium?
  2. Is not it easier to run at lower altitudes?
  3. How is it that the top four long-distance runners in the world have trained solely in gymnasiums?
  4. Is not it easier to run at lower altitudes?
  5. Is not there most danger involved in mountain running than in gymnasium running?

Correct Answer: C


Although the author may be of the opinion that the best training is done in hilly areas, he may still appreciate the many benefits that a gymnasium offers. Similarly, there could be several reasons why the China Olympic team does not train in hilly areas. The answer to Choices B and E don’t present any problem to the author. Only Choice C would seem to undermine the crux of the author’s assertions that the best long disgrace runners are those who train in hilly areas.

Record Performance

243 MCQ for effective preparation of the test of Logical Reasoning of Logical Reasoning section.

Read the MCQ statement: Eminently the best long distance runners are those who are trained in hilly areas. Anyone who can acclimate himself to the thin air of hills and the c .... difficult to answer?, keenly and apply the method you have learn through the video lessons for Logical Reasoning to give the answer. Record your answer and check its correct answer and video explanation for MCQ No. 69-8021.

How to Answer

Solve the question for MCQ No. and decide which option (A through D/E) is the best choice to answer the MCQ, then click/tap the blue button to view the correct answer and it explanation.

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