SAT Reasoning
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SAT Reasoning: The New SAT vs Old SAT
Interpreting The SAT Score in Detail (Scoring Equating And Report)

Still no idea of SAT Scores? Not understanding the SAT scores or SAT numbers.? No big issue. Here you will find each and everything that you want to know about SAT scoring.

Interpreting The SAT Score in Detail (Scoring Equating And Report)

Overview of SAT Scoring

It’s a difficult play to understand the SAT Scoring system. As SAT is different from the grade system, decoding is not easy to know. If you go through the old SAT, then the scoring will be totally changed regarding to the new SAT scoring policy. But one you get use too to the College Boards special scoring system, you will definitely get the idea.

Total Score and Sub Score (A complete scoring detail)

Two basic sections that are the part of scoring structure.

  • Evidence based reading and writing
  • Math’s

Scores for the Essay are separately deal not the part of the total scoring.

Range of the total Score

SAT: 400-1600

Range of the Section Scores (Evidence based reading and writing, Math’s)

SAT: 200-800

Structure of Test Scores

There are three Test Scores.

  • Reading Test Scores
  • The writing Test Score
  • The Math Test Score

Ranges for Test Scores (Reading and writing, Math’s, Language)

SAT: 10-40

Sat Essay Scoring

SAT Essay Scoring is divided into three sectors.

  • Reading
  • Analysis and
  • Writing

Each sector is scored on a 2-8pointscale.

Test Scores(Cross-Based)

This Test score is based on two sectors.

  • Analysis in history/Social Studies and
  • Analysis in Science

This sector is based on the question/answering in Reading, Writing, Language and Math’s Test.

Student should think analytically to solve the texts and problems.

Subs Score Test Structure

This Sector is based on multiple sub scores for Reading, Writing, Language and Math’s. All ranges go from 1-15points.This scoring will give more information about the student achievement.

The Reading, Writing and Language test contributes to two scores in scoring.

  • Command of Evidence
  • Words in Context

The Writing and language contributes two more Sub scores.

  • Expression of Ideas
  • Standard English Conventions.

The Math test reports three Sub scores (1-15 only)

  • Heart of Algebra
  • Problem solving and data analysis
  • Passport to advanced Math complex equations and functions

Tips to deal with Sub Scores

  • Take practice test. Score it. Then compare them with the mention scoring structure.
  • Try to focus on the relative areas and practice the material related to them. Determining the SAT Score

In OLD SAT test, there was penalty of attempting wrong question. But in new SAT, there is no such penalty for the student. The score system is based on .

  • Raw Score
  • Scaled Score

In final scoring, the correct answers from each section is added up. This is called as Raw score. There is a process called as equating. Equating will take up the Raw score based on each section and transformed it into scaled score from200 to 800.The conversion rate varies due to the College Board.

In Essay, two people will read out your material. Each reader will give you score from1-4 based on each three sectors. For each sector, the two scores will be added to sub score from 2 to8.

Reporting of the SAT Score

After getting through the process of score equating, the report is created. This report will have sent to you and your schoolboard.

When you get register, you will get four freebie score report that can be used up to nine days after your test. If you want more scores, then you need to buy them from online College Board account.

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