
Universities in la Rioja


la Rioja

la Rioja with the population of about 3 Million is a major city in Argentina. The national language is Spanish and the language in la Rioja is Spanish. There are many higher education institutions in la Rioja like National University of la Rioja, and National University of Chilecito. The complete list is available in links list below.

La Rioja has attractions of a variety of recreational activities that are offered in this picturesque region including horseback riding, paragliding, mountain biking, skiing, fishing, and hunting.

Universities in la Rioja - List

Facts about la Rioja

  • Population: About 3 Million
  • Local Language: Spanish
  • Postal Code: 5329
  • Weather:
    La Rioja is one of the coldest regions in Spain with an average daily high temperature of only 20.

Travel Advisory:

La Rioja is not as commonly known as some of the bigger cities, but it is a great place to visit. La Rioja is full of natural beauty and Spanish culture. Because it is not as touristy as some of the larger areas of Spain, you are more likely to get a more genuine idea of real Spanish life and culture by visiting this region.

Study area in La Rioja, (N Spain), and its vicinity in Castilla Leon, showing the location of Griffon Vulture breeding colonies (squares) and feeding sites prior to BSE crisis (stars). The two vulture restaurants operating after BSE are denoted with numbers.

Área de estudio en La Rioja, (N España) y sus alrededores en Castilla León, que muestra la ubicación de las colonias de cría de buitre leonado (plazas) y los sitios de alimentación antes de la crisis de EEB (estrellas). Los dos restaurantes de buitres que operan después de la EEB se denotan con números.

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