
Universities in Burgenland



Burgenland with the population of about 2 Million is a major city in Austria. The national language is German and the language in Burgenland is German. There are many higher education institutions in Burgenland like University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, and University College of Teacher Education Burgenland. The complete list is available in links list below.

Burgenland offers a wide variety of protected landscapes - from the „Neusiedler See“ in the north with its reed belt and the salt lakes, an internationally known hotspot for bird watching down to the rolling hills in the south, where you can find hidden river meadows between vineyards and orchards.

Universities in Burgenland - List

Facts about Burgenland

  • Population: About 2 Million
  • Local Language: German
  • Postal Code: 7441
  • Weather:
    Burgenland, summers are warm; winters are cold, dry, and windy; and partly cloudy round the year.

Travel Advisory:

The easternmost province of Austria attracts with 300 days of sunshine and a diverse turistic range - Six nature parks, the National Park „Neusiedler See-Seewinkel“, the UNESCO World Heritage „Fertő-Neusiedler See“ wait with impressive natural landscapes. Due to the mild Pannonian climate many sports - such as cycling, horseback riding, hiking, sailing, golf - can be practiced almost year-round.
Located in the easternmost part of Austria, the province of Burgenland has the 3rd smallest area and the 2nd smallest population of the Austrian provinces. Historically and geographically a borderland region, Burgenland is a narrow belt of land stretching from Slovakia in the north, along the Hungarian border in the east, the Styrian and Lower Austrian borders in the west, and south to the Slovene border.
Die besonderen Landschaften des Burgenlandes, die Gastfreundschaft der Menschen vor Ort sowie eine Art besonderes goldenes Tageslicht sind Gründe genug, um eine Reihe von Kreativen anzulocken, um Artist in Residence im Burgenland zu werden.

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