
Universities in Sao Paulo


Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo with the population of about 12 Million is a major city in Brazil. The national language is Portuguese and the language in Sao Paulo is Portuguese. There are many higher education institutions in Sao Paulo like Universidade-de-so-Paulo, State University of Campinas, so Paulo State University, Paulista University, Pontifical Catholic University of so Paulo, Universidade Federal de so Carlos, Southern Cross Universitys, Federal University of so Paulo, Federal University of so Paulos, Anhanguera University of so Paulo, and Nove de Julho University. The complete list is available in links list below.

The city of Sao Paulo is a cultural giant in South America. Music is intrinsic to the city, and the country's culture. The city's heritage is also preserved in its neighborhoods, and you can walk through pages of history in the city. The epicentre of all cultural and entertainment activity is Avenida Paulista from where you can navigate your way to museums, galleries, theatres, pubs, clubs and more.

Universities in Sao Paulo - List

Facts about Sao Paulo

  • Population: About 12 Million
  • Local Language: Portuguese
  • Postal Code: 01000-000
  • Weather:

    Summer is hot and humid, with occasional rain. Autumn and winter are cooler and drier.

Travel Advisory:

São Paulo is the world's seventh-largest city. This makes it a significant destination for business and pleasure travelers around the world who want to get a taste of Brazil and South America. São Paulo is known for its unpredictable weather conditions.

A metropolis is known widely for its prestigious festivals and events, towering skyscrapers, and immense global influence, Sao Paulo is the perfect place to study abroad for students who want to immerse themselves in the face of modern Brazil. Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean from the coastal ranges of southeastern Brazil, Sao Paulo is a vastly impressive city that will prove culturally enriching, educative, and downright fun while studying abroad.

Estudar no exterior Os estudantes não devem ter medo da fachada séria - quando os paulistanos não estão trabalhando, estão dançando, comendo e se deliciando com a cultura da cidade. A vida noturna em São Paulo é tão intensa quanto é possível, o que faz com que sair para experimentar a cidade seja algo imperdível.

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