
Universities in More og Romsdal


More og Romsdal

More og Romsdal with the population of about 2 Million is a major city in Norway. The national language is Norwegian and the language in More og Romsdal is ‎Nynorsk. There are many higher education institutions in More og Romsdal like Hgskulen i Volda, and Hgskolen i Molde University. The complete list is available in links list below.

Romsdal is a traditional district in the Norwegian county Møre og Romsdal, located between Nordmøre and Sunnmøre. He mentions a tribe called "Raumii", which might be the origin of both the landscape Romerike and the river Rauma.

Universities in More og Romsdal - List

Facts about More og Romsdal

  • Population: About 2 Million
  • Local Language: ‎Nynorsk
  • Postal Code: 000
  • Weather:
    Møre og Romsdal weather is really hot in summer and rarely cold in winter.

Travel Advisory:

The most important sights in Møre og Romsdal is the nature and landscape itself, although the old center of Ålesund and some charming villages and mountain farms are worth a visit. A number of interesting and impressive road constructions are perhaps the most important man-made attractions in this region.
More og Romsdal Children and young people have a right and an obligation to undertake ten years’ primary and lower secondary education from the age of six. They are entitled to have this funded by the state. Young people between 16 and 19 years of age are entitled to a state-funded upper secondary school education. The county authorities take responsibility for education at the upper secondary level.
Children and young people are entitled to receive good schooling and proper opportunities for development, from nursery school age until the completion of upper secondary school. Municipalities are duty-bound to provide nursery school places to children who will turn one before 1 September in the year in which the parents apply, provided that the child is resident in the municipality. The child may be allocated a place in a public or private nursery school.

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