Trabzon with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Turkey. The national language is Turkish and the language in Trabzon is Turkish. There are many higher education institutions in Trabzon like Eurasian University, and Karadeniz Technical University. The complete list is available in links list below.
This little heaven full of quiet town life and outdoor life is perfect for people who have been tired of life with loudness. Trabzon has a far cooler climate than the Mediterranean areas so it will give you a relief if you are coming from a hotter, drier place.
World Universities more than 5000
4°C, Wind SW at 21 km/h, 64% Humidity
Incidents such as bag-snatching, bag-slashing, pickpocketing, and mugging remain much rarer than in other destinations.
Study in Trabzon. 30 top schools, colleges, universities and kids camps in Trabzon for students from all over the world.
Trabzon, eğitim ve öğretim açısından bölgenin en gelişmiş şehri; yerel halk, anaokullarından üniversitelere kadar çeşitli eğitim kurumlarının bulunduğu şehirde eğitim ve öğretime büyük ilgi göstermektedir.
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