
English Grammar And Writing

How to Write in Future Tense

Verb tense indicates the time and duration that an action occurs. In this lesson, we will discuss how to use the future tense of verbs in writing, including simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous.

Verb Tenses

Before going out to dinner, Mom wants to know whether or not the chores have been done. Jaimie says, 'I cleaned my room.' Zach says, 'I am cleaning my room.' Billy says, 'I will clean my room.' Which one has not yet done what he is supposed to do? The three sentences are identical except for verb tense. Verb Tenses express the time frame for an action. There are three main verb tenses used in the English language. They are the present tense, past tense, and future tense. Let's examine the use of future tense.

Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense expresses an action or event that has not yet occurred. When using the simple future tense, the helping verb 'will'or 'shall' is often used to indicate that the action is forthcoming. Look at the following examples:

  • The dog will go to the groomer's.
  • The teacher shall assign homework.

These sentences describe what the dog and teacher will do in the future. To write or speak in simple future tense, you will usually simply add the helping verbs 'will' or 'shall.'

Another way to write simple future tense is by using a form of 'be' plus 'going to.' For example:

  • Mom is going to work.
  • I am going to cry.

In both of these sentences, the action has not yet happened, but will occur in the future.

Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense is used to tell about an on-going action that will occur in the future. Generally, future continuous tense is written using 'will be' or a form of 'be' plus 'be going to.' For example:

  • The teacher will be assigning homework.
  • Mom is going to be working.

Did you notice the action verb ended in '-ing'? This is the present participle form of the verb that must be added to the helping verbs when using future continuous tense.

Tense Table

Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense is used when a non-continuous action will occur in the future. Frequently, it is used to describe an action that will be completed before something else happens. It is written using 'will have' plus the past participle or using 'be going to' plus the past participle. Look at the following examples:

  • Billy will have cleaned his room by the time you are ready to go.
  • The teacher is going to have assigned three projects before the end of the semester.

Future Perfect Continuous

Future perfect continuous is used when something will happen continuously in the future until something else happens. It is written using 'will have been' plus the present participle or using 'be going to' plus the present participle. For example:

  • Billy will have been cleaning for hours before he finishes.
  • Mom is going to be working until 5 P.M. tonight.

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Monday, 30 Dec 2019       756 Views

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