
Poverty and social crime - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Poverty in Pakistan
  3. Poverty and crime
  4. Effects
  5. Conclusion


The poverty line is the official level of income that is necessary to be able to buy the basic things you need such as food and clothes and to pay for somewhere to live. According to recent data, 24% population of Pakistan is living under the poverty line.

Social crimes are unlawful activities that directly affect human society. The daily newspapers show that our country is the worst hit by heinous crimes.

A natural inclination that the people who have less will want to take from those who have more, establishes a link between poverty and crime.

Thus poverty becomes a breeding ground of innumerable vices. A hungry man is an angry man and an angry man can go to any extent for his catharsis.

Unavailability of Lawful Liveiihood

A poverty-stricken person may become a thief, a robber, a pickpocket, a shoplifter, a cheater, a drug addict, a gangster, a mercenary killer, and a suicide bomber Unequal distribution of wealth may incite anybody to take revenge on the usurper of resources. When a person is denied access to the lawful means of living, he is compelled to make his way by hook or by crook. The statistics confirm that majority of criminals belong to an idle class. Usually, employed people are not inclined to violate law and order. It is generally the poor class, deprived of education and moral training, which commits most of social crimes. The poor parents often neglect their children, and consequently, they get involved in serious crimes. Most of the poor children when drop out of school, turn to crimes. Crime statistics around the world reveal that the majority of the population having criminal record lives in third world countries.

Poverty and Crimes

Poverty and crime go hand in hand, or that one cannot deal with a crime without dealing with the root causes of crime like poverty. Thus crime eradication depends upon poverty alleviation. As the main cause of poverty is unemployment, the government must take measures to reduce unemployment. This will consequently decrease the overall crime rate.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       622 Views

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