But symptoms do show up if the case is serve. Some of these symptoms are:
- Headache
- Nosebleeds
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Irregular heartbeat
- Numbness and tingling in hands and feet
- Coughing up blood
- Shortness of breath
Hypertension accelerates hardening of the arteries, which may contribute to a stroke or heart attack. This can also lead to brain hemorrhage, kidney failure, heart failure, or blindness.
The best way to treat hypertension is to just change your lifestyle, but many times, patients need other medications and therapies. No more than 2 percent of hypertensive patients can be treated surgically. There are basically four groups of drugs a physician would prescribe a hypertension patient:
Diuretics is the usually the first choice a doctor would prescribe. If helps by increasing the rate you body eliminates urine and salt. However, this can also increase your cholesterol level, make you urinate more frequently, and may cause a loss of potassium.
Beta-Adrenergic Blockers drugs are usually prescribes if a diuretic does not help bring your blood pressure down, and sometimes are used in combination with diuretics. Beta-adrenergic blockers work by blocking the effects of adrenaline in your body. This means that it will cause your heart slower, with less force against your blood vessels. Common side effects are lethargy and fatigue. Some of these may also decrease the level of ‘good” cholesterol.
Calcium channel Blockers rugs block the calcium from going to your sells, which decreases the chance for your arteries to become narrow.
For severe high blood pressure, Hydralazine and diazoxide & some other drugs may be used. For and emergency situation, when high blood pressure threatens someone’s life, nitroprusside may be used. Other options for therapy include reserpine, rauwolfia, alkaloids, and guanethidine.
There are many thing we can do to prevent high blood pressure. These things include:
Have our blood pressure checked regularly
Watching our weight
Not drinking alcohol
Eating foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt, and high in fibre
Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
Not smoking
Exercising regularly
Reducing stress and practicing relaxation techniques