These all tend to be instant earners. The rarer the skill (and the better you are at it), the more you can expect to earn. It can be tough to find great web designers and developers, for one. As Ashley Faulkes, founder of Mad Lemmings explains, one of the biggest reasons behind this is the fact that the industry is overrun with cheap-yet-underskilled designers and developers.
"Web design and development has gotten a bad rap lately with so many cheap options available, but I still find clients who want a personal and professional touch," she says. "You can start with the basics, and produce top-notch sites using online tools, or start with WordPress and good themes and page builders. Focus on quality and great communication and you will soon make a name for yourself."
Develop Apps
Across all markets, more than 80% of mobile minutes are now spent using apps. It may be competitive, but if you've got the skills, there's big money to be made either in developing and distributing your own app, or developing apps for others.
Leverage Amazon
While the working conditions of Amazon's own employees regularly come under fire, there are plenty of ways to make money through Amazon without being on its payroll.
Thanks to services like Amazon Fulfillment, it's easier than you might think to sell products from home, since Amazon will pick, pack, and deliver your orders for you. The service can even enable you to import and export outside your home country.
Other opportunities include self-publishing ebooks (you can learn more about writing books that sell here) and affiliate marketing, which involves linking to Amazon products from your website, and earning a commission if a link is clicked and a purchase made.
Sell on Etsy
Etsy is the platform for selling goods such as arts, crafts, jewelry, and much more. Basically, if it's handmade, vintage, or just a little bit different, Etsy's the place to find it (and sell it).
Sell Courses
Sites like Udemy and Coursera allow you to create, sell, and profit from courses you've created yourself. Few of the courses are accredited, but that's reflected in the price students pay.
They're also far more popular than you might think. "Online courses are huge right now," says David Hoos, Head of Marketing at The Good marketing agency. "They can be incredibly helpful to develop niche skills and businesses will often use them for professional development purposes. If you have a unique skill that you can organize and share, a course is a great way to do it!"
Be a Virtual Personal Assistant
Working as a virtual personal assistant takes minimal skill and is easy to get into, since there are always businesses looking for people to take on day-to-day grunt work without the cost of hiring an assistant in-house.
Become a Social Media Influencer
This one might sound like wishful thinking, but countless people are making substantial amounts of money simply by having a large and engaged social following.
Sure, it's not for everyone, and even if it is for you, it takes time to become successful. That said, if you've got the right personality and patience, making money using your influence online is a very real possibility.