SAT Reasoning
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SAT Reasoning: Brainstorming
Reasoning Definition Examples

Reasoning and its application on literature and composition will discuss in this lesson. Moreover, in the end you will practice quiz to get command.

Reasoning Definition Examples

What is Reasoning?

Reasoning is the process of getting information from the given scenario, making comparison with the known knowledge and ultimately ends up with conclusion. Reasoning skills can be develop either in seconds or after lot of effort and thinking. In routine life these are very crucial. It helps in choosing options, making contrast either in negative or positive condition , and in making solutions as well. So, Reasoned conclusion is the sum of given information and self-knowledge.

Reasoning in the Real World

In real world, reasoning has great importance. For instance, how would you treat the situations if you have to attend the party and required to prepare for exam on the same day. Here reasoning would be to balance between these things or do one while leaving other. Similarly, you will have to perform reasoning either in selection of bad or good thing. Let’s your friend force you to theft other things. Here you have to reason between moral and will of friend.

So you are giving reasoning on the basis of above mentioned things that are:

  • Given information
  • Self-knowledge
  • Reasoned conclusion

Similarly, someone ask you to chose your favorite story. You would select on the basis of reasoning that this one you like for that reason and why you prefer it on others. This is all the reasoning performed in real life.

Reasoning in Literature

Reasoning in literature is also performed. It is being used when we are:

  • Considering the characters and
  • Judge settings.
  • Observing the plot and themes,
  • Imagining what may or may not happen later in the story

For example, In the story of ‘Harry on the Scene’ , we focused character Harry, Judge the author style of speaking, acting, looking, and even how they are treated by other characters.

You can come to know his interaction with other characters. You also see that how he face consequences in life to get his ultimate goals.

This is how we give reasoning in literature by assembling all the traits of hero and its activities throughout the story.

In the same way, you can reasoned any literary topic.

Reasoning and Composition

Reasoning also plays role while writing a composition. It uses in Brainstorming phase.

Planning and outlining essay.

Drafting, revising, and editing essay.

For instance, in brainstorming phase how can we use reasoning.

Let’s say you are asked to write about your learning during hardships time of life. Initially you start thinking that how had you spent that time. You might think about a time when you were dodged by your partner and suffered a huge loss. You will remember your sorrow, pain and even your broken trust on your fellow. Then, you will think that how what were the circumstances that your partner had dodged you and what was your response in return.

Then you decided to jot down what you have recalled. This is how you can apply reasoning on writing and composition.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson we have learnt that what the reasoning conclusion actually is that is the summation of given information and self knowledge. We have apply reasoning in daily life, literary and composition examples so to proof its application in these fields,

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