
Universities in Gomel Region


Gomel Region

Gomel Region with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Gomel Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Gomel Region like Gomel State University, Gomel State Medical University, Mozyr State Pedagogical University, Belarusian Trade And Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel State Technical University, and Belarusian State University of Transport. The complete list is available in links list below.

Culture and media in the Gomel region There are a number of archeological, historical, cultural and architectural monuments, as well as 26 museums, 4 theatres and 2 art galleries in the Gomel region. Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble is one of the oldest and famous museums.

Universities in Gomel Region - List

Facts about Gomel Region

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code: 246xx, 247xxx
  • Weather:
    Gomel has a warm-summer and cold winters.

Travel Advisory:

The Gomel region is one of the most advanced industrial regions in Belarus. Industry in the Gomel region fuel, chemicals, timber, light industries, food processing, machine building, especially agricultural machinery, steel, and rolled metal production.

The citizens receiving vocational training in the direction of bodies on work, employment and social protection, may be expelled from educational institutions, organizations to complete a full course of study:

  • for prolonged absence without good reason in the classroom (the classroom) during the period of study (more than 20 percent of the curriculum);
  • for academic failure in three or more subjects (disciplines, practices);

У выпадку выключэння грамадзян з навучальнай установы (арганізацыі) для праходжання поўнага курса навучання без прымальных прычын грамадзяне кампенсуюць фактычныя выдаткі органаў па працы, занятасці і сацыяльнай абароне за перыяд іх прафесійнай падрыхтоўкі.

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