
Universities in Grodno Region


Grodno Region

Grodno Region with the population of about 3 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Grodno Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Grodno Region like Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Medical University, and Grodno State Agrarian University. The complete list is available in links list below.

The people of the Grodno region Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism are the main religions. There are 498 cultural and historical buildings in the region, including 248 Orthodox temples, 228 Catholic churches, 17 Protestant churches, 4 mosques and 1 synagogue.

Universities in Grodno Region - List

Facts about Grodno Region

  • Population: About 3 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code: 231742
  • Weather:
    The climate of Grodno is also influenced by the intercontinental air masses.

Travel Advisory:

Grodno is also known for its churches. Built during the reign of Boris and Gleb (1184), it is one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian architecture.
Grodno is known for its medical university, which attracts many local and international students. Other higher educational establishments are Yanka Kupala State University (also known as Grodno State University, the largest education center in Hrodna province) and the agricultural university.
Гродзенскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя Янкі Купалы, Гродзенскі дзяржаўны медыцынскі універсітэт, Гродзенскі дзяржаўны аграрны універсітэт, Гродзенская вышэйшая духоўная семінарыя, шмат каледжаў, 41 сярэдняя школа (або сярэдняя школа). Hrodzienski dziaržaŭny ŭniviersitet imia Janki Kupaly, Hrodzienski dziaržaŭny miedycynski univiersitet, Hrodzienski dziaržaŭny ahrarny univiersitet, Hrodzienskaja vyšejšaja duchoŭnaja sieminaryja, šmat kaliedžaŭ, 41 siaredniaja škola (abo siaredniaja škola).

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