You might see or use abbreviations when you are reading, writing, listening and even speaking. Come and learn about what abbreviations are, the different types of abbreviations and some examples of abbreviations.

What are Abbreviations?

Do you like saving time? Have you ever written, read or said a word and thought to yourself, ''I just wish this word was shorter!'' Well, then abbreviations are a great thing for you to understand! Abbreviations are shortened versions of words and phrases.

Abbreviations are all around us. Some are used in common language while others are more specific to a certain business or setting. Something that is important to note about abbreviations is that many of them are non-standard or informal. This means that many abbreviations are not defined the same in every dictionary, and some of them aren't even defined at all, which means they are not recognized as real words. With this in mind, it is important to avoid using abbreviations if you are writing something formal, like a writing assignment in school. Abbreviations should only be used in informal settings, like talking to a friend or writing a text message to a family member.

Types & Examples of Abbreviations

While all abbreviations shorten words or phrases, there are many different types of abbreviations.

  • Acronyms are a type of abbreviation that is pronounced as a word. They are formed by using the first letters in the words of a phrase or first parts of a phrase. For example:
    ASAP (pronounced ay-sap) = as soon as possible
    Gif = graphics interchange format Zip (as in Zip code)=zone improvement plan
    Radar = radio detection and ranging
  • Initialisms are a type of abbreviation where you pronounce it by saying each letter one at a time. Many of the abbreviations used in text messaging are initialisms. They are formed by using some of the letters in the word or phrase. For example:
    BTW = by the way
    WWW = world wide web
    TV = television
    e.g.=for example
  • Portmanteau is a type of abbreviation where you pronounce the entire word. They are formed by taking two or more words and blending them together. For example:
    brunch = breakfast + lunch
    chillax = chill + relax
    emoticon = emotion + icon
    smog = smoke + fog
  • Truncations are a type of abbreviation that is only the first part of a word. For example:
    Jan. = January
    Fri. = Friday
    Oct. = October
    Mon. = Monday
  • Clipped abbreviations are when you only say part of the word. For example:
    Flu = influenza
    Gator = alligator
    Phone = telephone
    Ad = advertisements

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Monday, 30 Dec 2019       649 Views

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