
English Grammar And Writing

Using a Comma in Writing The Date

When we write out the date in a sentence, sometimes we must use two commas. There must be a comma after the day of the month and the even after the year. This is only when the sentence continues after the date with additional information.

Example 1 - March 28, 2009, was the date of the spring festival.

Example 2 -I will do the chores June 15, 2016, so that I can share in the workload.

There are other times when a date is written in a sentence, and we will only need to use one comma. In situations such as these, the full date is the last part of the sentence. No additional information is after it.

Example 1 My birthday is July 17, 1984.

Example 2 We will graduate on June 14, 2016.

  Zeynep Ogkal

  Monday, 30 Dec 2019       669 Views

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