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Food and Recipes

Rice Recipes

Fried rice, risotto, grain bowls and more will make the pantry staple a little more exciting. ... You can't go wrong with this stupid-easy recipe. rice are nutritious and easy to make.

Rice Recipes

Rice is one of the staple cereal in india and is had almost all over in india. there are hundreds of rice recipes made regionally. the most popular variety of rice dishes are biryani, pulao, tempered rice dishes like lemon rice, curd rice, ghee rice etc.

in south india, we have flavorful rice recipes made with different ingredients like coconut, tamarind, peanuts, sesame seeds, spice mixtures, ghee, curd, tomatoes etc. the best part of making any dish with rice is that you can always use your choice of veggies, herbs and spices.

This is one of the most popular veg biryani recipe. an authentic vegetable biryani, slow cooked on dum. this cooking on dum gives the biriyani its uniqueness and deliciousness. this is how the biryani has the beautiful medley of the aromas, flavors and tastes caused by the blending of the ingredients used in making it.

one pot comfort meal of rice and moong lentils. nutritious and light on the tummy. in india, when someone is ill or recovering from illness, then dalia and moong dal khichdi are often served to him/her. even doctors recommend khichdi to patients.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 04 Dec 2019       897 Views