  1. Definitions of democracy & dictatorship
  2. Reasons to invite dictatorships
  3. Dictatorship sometimes does miracles
  4. Dictatorship & fate of the USSR in the pas
  5. Dictatorship & false glorification propaganda
  6. Democracy & its fruits
  7. Democratic legislature
  8. Democracy & civil liberties
  9. Conclusion

Dictatorial systems have helped nations recover from economic turmoil many times in the past. The extreme nationalism that is born from propaganda and government sponsored youth organizations encourages people to work harder for the benefit of their country. Newly motivated work forces easily meet their production goals. If the leader of a dictatorship is capable the country can rise to hold a great amount of international power. Building up the military is an important step to gain power. A strong military will discourage other countries from attacking and also discourage the citizens of the country from rebilling. The forces of nationalism and new laws that can be easily passed regarding education (such that every male of a certain age must time in the military) allow military strength of dictatorship to multiply.

The Soviet Union experienced a dictatorial system from 1917 to 1985. Under the rule of Vladimir Lenin, and later Joseph Stalin, one political party attempted to control all aspects of political, economic, and social life. The people of the USSR endured rapid industrial development, victory in World War II, and improved literacy rates. TtIt also further expanded heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods. Stalin’s third 5 years plan (1938-1941) directed funds to areas of defense. In WWII Nazi Germany invaded the USSR, creating an instant alliance between the USSR and two of the world’s greatest powers; Britain and the USA. The Soviet Union pushed the Germans out of its territory and Eastern Europe, thus accelerating the end of the war. Trade increased between USSR and the two others powers and the Soviet has been recognized and commended for helping to end WWII. Another benefit of central planning was the massive educational effort that raised literacy rates in the USSR. The communist government wanted to develop a skilled and educated labour force. Millions of people learned to read and write, in an education system that centered on scientific training.

In order to enforce communist policies the Soviet Union built a large militia. In order to enforce communist policies the Soviet Union built a large militia. The secret police (consisting of agents and informants) were used as an instrument of terror to ensure that the communist party stayed in power. The secret police kept foreigners and those who travelled abroad under close surveillance. They also censored the mail, and monitored telephone conservations. Indoctrination and censorship encourage nationalism and spread the communist ideology. The government sponsored youth groups such as the “little octoberists”, and the communist ideology was taught in school. With only newspaper and one radio station (both government owned) people had very little control over their own beliefs because they were constantly exposed to only one side of every issue. This excerpt is form the Soviet’s only newspaper, “Pravda. Stalin is the architect of the tremendous creation called the Union of Soviet Republics. He is the source of all life in the he Soviet Union. His thoughts set the whole mechanism of Soviet life in motion.

Glorification of a leader is common technique used in dictatorship to ensure that citizens are faithful and committed to the government power. In the early 1920’s and 30’s people of the USSR were expected to vote publicly by raising their hands. This caused a very low voter turnout so a secret ballot system was instilled. All candidates (if their was more than one) were selected by the communist party, so the voting was quite meaningless since it lacked the element of real choice. Official’s manipulated counts to make voter turnout appear higher than it actually was, and if one were to disagree with the choices listed on the ballot they were to mark the ballot publicly and be subject to the wrath of the secret police. The lack of accountability in the USSR was so shocking that anyone who observed it and still lives will be emotionally scarred forever. The “great purge” from 1936 – 1939, began with few show trials that symbolized fair just but never provided enough real evidence to base a conviction on.

These trials were for members of the government who had supposedly plotted against Joseph Stalin.

these trials, the secret police purged all institutions (education, media, government) of possible threats to the communist party, and sent millions of people to forced labour camps. When this horror came to an end in 1939 it was too late for the millions of people who died, completely innocent of any crime. It is true that Stalin’s reign enable many people to learn to read and write, but at what cost? If they were not killed in a labour to camp, the point of having employability skills seems when every adult after 1938 was required to have a “labour book” Without a labour book one could not be employed, and once a person way employer. This way employer could not easily change jobs. Developing employability skills if you are not able to pressure the employment that truly interests you is a wasted effort.

In the USSR political rights and political equality were merely a faced. Although the show of voting made it appear that people had the right to elect the leader of their choice. Also in the USSR speaking out against the government and dissenting forbidden and could result in exile or execution. Civil liberties were virtually nonexistent. People did not have the freedom to develop their own views and ideas because they were constantly being indoctrinated with the ideas of the government. If one were to exercise the freedom of assembly or demonstration in a dictatorial system they would be killed or imprisoned (Tienneman square in china. It is difficult to find exact number that helps us determine the standard of living in the USSR during Stalin’s regime. However, from stories of the forced concentration camps and black market for food and other consumer goods any one can deduct that the standard of living was low. Russia’s standard of living today emphasizes the effect that a previous authoritarian government can have on a nation. In Russia the adult literacy rate is quite impressive, 98%. The GDP per capita is very low $3050(in US dollars). The average life expectancy is also low at 66.9 years, and approximately 2.6% of the population owns computers.

In democratic system the public decides what economic and social policies work best for them. Democracy originated in ancient Athens. Beside the fact that only men could vote ancient Athens exhibited direct democracy. On every issue each voter was able to freely vote. The Athenians choose from two main political parties, and no one person had any more power than another person. Decision making and decision enforcing were the duties of every citizen. Democracy is a logical concept. Since the public has to abide by the policies made by the government, they should be to help make those decisions.

The United States of American has been a democracy since it became a country. The system of government ensures that no branch of government (executive, legislative, or judicial) has more power than another branch. Each American voter votes to elect a president from the political party that has a platform most similar to his or views. They also elect the senators and members of the House of Representatives (who make up the legislative branch). The Supreme Court judges are not elected, but appointed for life by the president and senate in order to keep their interests pure. Most laws that are made in democratic systems reflect the views of the public. In the US, any member of the House can introduce a piece of legislation. This illustrates how all members are equal and are given the right to represent the people from their state. The bill is printed and prepared so that all members of the government can understand the details of it.refereed to the appropriate committee by the House or Senate or Senate parliamentarian. The committee ensures that the bill meets with the guidelines of the constitution, and makes revisions and amendments to it. Now the committee of a whole debates and amends the bill but cannot technically pass it. Debate is limited in the committee by rules and opposing side have a scheduled amount of time to speak. The bill is also debated in the senate, without any time limit on how long.

The debate can run. If the house Representatives and the senate pass the same bill it is then sent to the president. If the house and the senate pass different bill, they are sent to the conference committee. The president does have the power to veto legislation, but it is rarely used. This is because the legislation has a right to overthrow the veto. If2/3 of the members present feel that they should do so. Also the congress has the power to impeach8 the president if the public feels he is not performing his job adequately. In American, every person over the age of 18 (who has not been convicted of a felony or declared mentally incompetent by a court) has the right to vote through the practice of secret ballot. People also have the right to speak out against the government and dissent freely.

  Maliha Javed

  Monday, 18 Nov 2019       624 Views

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