  1. Early world order & the UNO
  2. A serve jolt to the order of the UNO
  3. Machines & dehumanized ideals
  4. American myth both success & disgust
  5. Freedom- no more important in New World Order
  6. Present World Order government by a brutal force – the currency
  7. Government only an instrument to enhance corporatist agenda
  8. Big corporate create flexible boy
  9. Next World Order – media manipulated
  10. Conclusion

People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing? The world order was not always as chaotic as it appears to be today. After 1945 the strongest nations learnt the futility of trying to impose their grotesque world views upon each other. It was decided to take measure to ensure that such evil may never rise again As a result of this new thinking the United Nations was born on the 24th of Oct 1945. The world was declared a comity of nations. Each nation was be perceived from then on as an individual. No nation, however strong and mighty, has a right to declare another nation unfit to be a part of the comity of nations. The inviolability of the sovereignty of a state became the supreme law. The concept of irreducible, indestructible units that make up the whole, was not to be challenged. If these building blocks were self- contained, impenetrable and independent then that would ensure the principle of justice, equality and social welfare for all, irrespective of race, religion and nationality.

Conversely, a parallel development dealt a serve jolt to the progress made by the development of U. At the Bretton Woods conference held in 1944, forty-four nations agreed to set up two integrative institutions to render the world economy more ‘manageable’. Probably it was the day when economy turned into an instrument with which burgeoning markets could be exploited. The tools created more that half a century ago have perfected their act now and seem to be present everywhere with their slick facades-IMF and the WB. The IMF compelled its’ member states to peg their currencies to the American dollar or gold. By 1948, the United States possessed 72 percent of the world’s gold reserves. Hence the basic relationship of the major world currencies was established making dollar the undisputed market mogul.

The ideals of freedom and independence were lost due to the monomania to replace humans with machines. Pan American has made it an omnipresent phenomenon throughout the twentieth century. When science failed to deliver an efficient replacement due to the lacklustre performance of robots, in variance with the science fiction anticipators, the architects of global society decided to turn the existing humans into diodlized, transistorized and more recently computerized humanoids.

Science has made it possible to control us while keeping an illusion of freedom of choice. People are made to desire and acquire things they do not actually want, hate and degrade things they actually know nothing about. The establishment wanted the people to love Russia and despise Germany and japan before WWII. And after the war it wanted the public to love Germany and Japan and deplore Russia. It succeeded on both counts. The American have today begun to draw parallels between the Roman Empire and themselves. I think they are being modest. No nation has wielded the kind of power and influence “that is at the American’ disposal today. There is a light that guides the American society. American universities are institute that boast to house and expound excellence. Every thinking mind across the globe is baffled by such innovation and vision. The obvious question arises: What is the driving force, what is the motivational factor, if it is not the courage to question everything? Every issue is open to scrutiny. Piety or sanctity does not place anything beyond the scope of reason and logic. This is the courage that sprouts and free thought.

Then way is it that a country with such sublime guiding principles the bulwark of liberty has become one of the most detested nations in the world.

In the contemporary world order freedom has become a scare commodity. The lone super power finds itself in a moral dilemma. It feels that the liberty of the individual needs to be thwarted. It is a scary thought that guardians of superior technology might siphon the very liberty that gives birth to ingenuity and creativity, the reason behind American technological supremacy over the world.Unfortunately, in order to reach the very summit of their growth, American had to deviate from the vision of their Founding Fathers.

They changed allegiance in midcourse to gain the maximum mileage in the process became puppets of the Multinational Corporations.Americans have known it for long that democracy is dead. Like all great champions, the noble ideal of democracy has just faded away, silently and discreetly. The presidential elections that brought George W Bush Jr. have proven the demise for the benefit of the skeptics.Now the world order is dictated not by any ideology or a grand doctrine. It is decided through brute force. A naked and blatant force that is multinational and intercontinental, interwoven and interconnected in so complex a manner that its tentacles are spread all over the world. The force is compelling enough to make all nations and nationalities bow its diktat and sacrifice their values and ethos at it’s alter. The force is the power of the global currency or to make the chase easier, it is the reigning dollar in the hands of the MNCs. The struggle is no longer between east and West, North and south, now it is between Microsoft and NEC, GM motors and BMW. They are the sacred cows that are worshipped.

There are huge corporate machines working at over drive trying to outdo their earlier production and profit levels. The conglomerates, in order to achieve mighty goals remain constantly in search of newer markets. To break down hard- nosed governments, a change of regime in the sought – after market is deemed a necessary evil. It is done under the pretext of liberalization of trade. Hostilities are declared the moment any country refuses to open its market. To take away the safeguards of the fledgling economies, stiff conditions are set and poisonous antidotes are administered viz lowering of trade and tariff barriers, deregulation, and devaluation of currency etc.

Huge corporate industries hold the economic string of countries even after they have attained political independence. Karl Marx held the view that profits in capitalist economies tended to dwindle over time. Lenin reached the conclusion that capitalist nations were driven to seek ‘super profits’ abroad to compensate for diminishing profits at home. In their proponents of the corporate industries rallied for smaller and weaker governments. As the franchise became strong and robust they learnt to harness the power and potency of government to their benefit. Therefore the State refound itself and governments have become increasingly intrusive and large, with the sole difference that now the government is an instrument to enhance and broaden the corporatist agenda.

The multinational corporations pursue expansionism as a natural concomitant of Capitalist and its structural dynamics. The governments are controlled through devious method in order to achieve pre-set targets. In most western countries elections are no longer about issues.

All political parties contest with similar promises and matching manifestoes. The difference is made through marketing. The best advertised candidate grabs the prize. Advertising costs money. The big corporates are ready to pay the cash, if they are assured of favours in lieu of the financial support. These payments are in the form of campaign donations and others gifts dished out during the fund raising campaigns. When their ‘boy’ gets elected he does as he is told by the corporate bigwigs. Non-compliance can lead him to political backlash and scandals.Media has become powerful enough to effectively tell us, what to eat, drink and wear, whom to endorse, vote and love. If their chosen thing is different from the national fancy or liking, media shall blatantly try to change the very image of justice, beauty and love in the minds of the public.

The face of the next world order is a people devoid of their ability to questions and seeks the truth. Deceived and manipulated by the media the common man would be playing into the hands of MNCs. The MNCs shall busy themselves in furthering their interest through oppression and exploitation.Nonetheless, if history has taught us anything, it is, that this shall not be the last world order. As Benjamin Franklin said “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”. The hegemony of the MNCs would inevitably increase poverty and add to the vicious cycle of terrorism. It is not the threat of war that will make peoples (Muslims and non-Muslims alike) living creatures when it comes to war. They say thing they do not dare. War is huge face saving exercise at the grass root level.

We have learned enough through previous wars to realize that there are no monsters across any fence. Peace will not be brought about through War. We are often told by sagacious people that respect for peace lies in interaction and greater communication between various segments of the society. If that be true, it is also true to say that respect cannot be secured, and ought not indeed, to be respected, unless it is associated in the minds.

  Maliha Javed

  Monday, 18 Nov 2019       646 Views

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