
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Domestic violence in our society
  3. Sad state of affairs
  4. Causes of violence
  5. General attitude of society
  6. Conclusion
Domestic violence means violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner; usually violence by men against women.

Domestic violence is a common phenomenon in our society. Almost everyone came across some incidents of violence against a woman when she is heard weeping and going through the street with her minor children, describing the story of her plight. Sometimes, there are mingled voices of trouble in the street: a striking voice of a weeping woman, in a loud noise, is always notable. This is the scene which is observed often by most of us.

The newspapers are full of sad stories of domestic violence. Many women commit suicide finding no other way to survive in this male dominant society. In our country, male community imposes its will upon women. They are bound to obey in every situation otherwise they have to face violence. Facts and figures of domestic violence in Pakistan are touching alarming height.

Despite the increase in literacy ratio, awareness through media, active role of women in economic sector, introduction of new laws, representation of women in the parliament and numerous organisations of human rights and the rights of women, no improvement is yet witnessed in the circumstances.

According to a report, in every hour a woman is subjected to rape. Ninety-five per cent women are afflicted with domestic violence. Every year more than three thousand women are killed. Most of them are murdered by their fathers, brothers or husbands.

Domestic violence is a sign of social backwardness. It is evident that domestic violence is rampant in illiterate environment. Ignorance and illiteracy are the main causes of it. Acid attacks, Wani and forced marriages are other heinous crimes Against women. These are cruel examples of violence against them. The daily newspapers depict how they are subjected to violence in this male- dominant society.

Then another strange thing is that domestic violence is ignored by everyone regarding it an internal affair of a family. Even law enforcement agencies do not take it seriously. In this situation, a woman finds no one on her side. She goes from pillar to post to report the violation but her grievances are not generally redressed. She is always advised by the elders to bear the brunt of adverse circumstances as the writ of fate. This is, in fact. A sad feature of this tragedy.

Every year on 25th November, a day against domestic violence is commemorated internationally. We need to do more to mitigate the bad effects of this menace. The justice system should of free of cost and simple. Government should ensure rapid justice to women who are victim of domestic violence. Law enforcement agencies should priorities the investigation of crimes against women. Gender equality should be ensured through education of masses. To curb the violence against women is our collective duty as a society. We should act upon these suggestions to form violence-free society.

  Maliha Javed

  Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019       622 Views

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