
Eassay Outlne

  1. Introduction
  2. Islam and knowledge
  3. Teachings of the Holy Quran
  4. Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) advice
  5. Status of a scholar
  6. Touchstone of faith
  7. Signs for believers
  8. The greatest educator
  9. Conclusion

Education is a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in educational institutions, to improve knowledge and develop skills.

Islam laid great stress on seeking knowledge. It is compulsory for every Muslim man and woman to get education. The importance of education in Islam can be understood from the fact that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) set the prisoners of war free if they teach the children of the Muslims to read and write.

“God gives dignity and makes high in rank those of you who believe and those who are given knowledge.” (The Holy Quran) Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) raised the degree of learning seventy times higher than prayer.

He declared that the faith of a person who pays respect to another for his wealth and not for knowledge is defective. Wealth has to be protected whereas knowledge protects man.

Knowledge strengthens our belief. Knowledge of all kinds that is beneficial to humanity should be acquired with zeal. It has been beautifully summed up in the Holy Quran, “In the creation of heaven and the earth, in the alternation of day and night, in the ships that sail and benefit the men, in the clouds, in the rain — there are signs for those who think, understand and believe.”

God sent the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as an educator to the ignorant people. 1-le sent Him with the Holy Book. These are the proofs that God and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) give much importance to knowledge.

In today’s world, education is the key to success. In the world the nations which excelled in knowledge, achieved prosperity. Japan is the glaring example of it. Realizing this fact, we should allocate maximum budget for education. Government took a number of steps to improve literacy rate in the country. Many new schools and colleges are established. The private sector particularly played its active role to promote education in the country. New chains of schools, colleges and universities are emerging, which is a healthy sign for our developing nation. The need of the day is that the government should devise a proper education policy with the help of experts.

The new trends and national needs must be taken into account while chalking out educational planning. Technical education and professional needs of society must be addressed in future planning. Technical board should improve its performance in skill development of the youth.

  Maliha Javed

  Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019       573 Views

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