
There’s a lot to consider when shopping for kids’ sneakers. Your child’s age, for one, as well as comfort how shoes fit on their feet and ease of wear, both for you and your little one. It’s no secret that kids can be very fidgety, and while putting on a pair of shoes may seem like a simple task for adults, it can feel like an entire process when your tot insists on doing it herself. To find out what parents should look for, we enlisted the help of three kids’-shoe experts who shared their picks for new walkers, elementary schoolers, and budding athletes. We also consulted a panel of stylish parents who gave us the lowdown on the cutest and coolest styles, which we’ve organized by age group, based on general criteria the experts said you should consider when shopping for your kiddo. Some styles are available in multiple age categories.

canvas shoes from the Seattle-based brand See Kai Run are among her best sellers year after year. “They have a functional soft sole and the styles are very nice.The colors are more muted and it’s a good first walker shoe. They’re also cut a little wider.” According to May, many children have wide feet so it makes sense that these roomier shoes are comfortable on kids’ feet.

Another pair of sneakers that offer solid support for young walkers, which came recommended by Peggy Economou of maternity brand Teat & Cosset. She told us she prefers quality over style for children’s shoes, and particularly loves this pair because it offers both. “They are great quality, ergonomic, have a leather breathable insole and also cute,” The quilted, patent leather like sneakers have a side zipper, allowing for easy.

  Maliha Javed

  Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019       667 Views

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