

Co education is no more an issue in pakistan


Essay outline

  1. Introduction
  2. A useful western concept
  3. Need of the day
  4. Explosion of information
  5. Conclusion

Co-education is a system of education in which students of both sexes receive their education in the same classrooms, school, college or university. Co-education is basically a western concept in nature which was first introduced in Switzerland. But as the world realized that segregation of sexes culminates in backwardness, active participation of both sexes gained ground everywhere. Today female representation is shoulder to shoulder with men in every walk of life.

In a developing country like Pakistan, resources are scant to provide separate infrastructure for girls and boys. Anyhow, the enlightened populace of metropolises has realized the situation long before and adopted the system of co-education in universities. Private sector introduced it more rapidly in colleges and schools. Now co-education is not an issue even in small towns in our country. Commerce colleges and academies popularized it tremendously.

The narrow-minded population that resisted the idea in the past is now grabbing the opportunity of getting admissions in co-educational institutions for their young ones. A sudden change in attitudes has been witnessed during the last decade with the advent of satellite channels, Internet and mobile phones. The explosion of information and technology made the rigid minds more lenient to assimilate this change.

In spite of a great change, this practice is not seen at large scale. It will take some more decades to afford it at primary, elementary and secondary level. Though traditions are steadfast yet new developments are too powerful to resist for a long time. So we can hopefully expect that the coming generations in Pakistan will see no major difference between the education system of Pakistan and that of an advanced country.

Developing countries always borrow ideas, systems and strategies from the developed countries. Though the backward population of poor countries always resists every new thing in the beginning, however, after more time they embrace it. It is advisable to keep pace with the changing trends of the world as now it is not possible to make progress without seeking cooperation of advanced nations.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       898 Views

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