
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. A Contradiction
  3. Drama of democracy
  4. The feudal lords
  5. Main political arena
  6. Sordid politics
  7. Conclusion

Literally, democracy is a form of government, which represents the majority of people. This definition grabs a wide popularity among politicians across the world. But what actually happens with the masses, in this process, is yet another thing. It is a great paradox in local indigenous context.

The idea of democracy, let me say, is blindly pursued and magnified by the politicians in their own interest. It is no more than a dormant sphere, which prevents us to view a wider scope of better management. For my contention, I do not intend to rely only on theories but also on the prevalent exploiting enterprise, particularly inland and generally in the outer world.

In this drama of democracy, the essential characteristic government of the people, by the people and for the people is totally eliminated. Army politicians, bureaucrats, all lay their hands on something except the masses that is rendered utter loser. Then the process of election in Pakistan renders democracy other than the best form of governance.

From the very outset, indigenously the feudal lords appeared as the main players of politics. Once they entered the mainstream of politics, they enjoyed permanent abode there generation after generation. Wielding the same sordid tactics. They indulged themselves in every fair or foul activity, which promised them retaining their power: they could not provide their constituencies with education, enlightenment, employment and other basic necessities of life and fundamental human rights. Thus these so-called representatives of majority were, in fact, always the usurpers and no representatives of the majority.

Today the same feudal lords, and in some cases their offspring, wives or siblings, appear in political arena. Fresh faces, without strong political backgrounds, are scant due to certain reasons.

At grass root level, there are some departments police, WAPDA. Health, education, revenue. lmigation, agriculture, banks, livestock, social welfare, transport and postal services usually the public has to deal with. Among them police are the knottiest due to its corruption and highhandedness. Owing to its suppressive culture, it is hard for a common man to deal with police; rather political bodies have long-term relations with this department because they are to deal with it for the grievances of the public. In fact, this is the main institution by which the local politicians show their brutal force and control the affairs of their constituencies.

Pakistani public never had any concern with the decisions, policies and foreign policies of its democratic governments. They are not able to perceive such things. Majority of them do not even know the names of government functionaries save the president. In fact, they are keen on their welfare more than the form of government. The very reason public never demanded the restoration of democracy in the country. Only politicians press and other segments of society that are well off in democratic atmosphere keep on sighing for it. Neglecting the fate of majority who suffers out of proportion.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       670 Views

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