
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Innate tendency
  3. Importance of manual work
  4. Change in common approach
  5. Role of government
  6. Conclusion
“Man is a worker. if he is not, he is nothing.” Joseph Conrad

Dignity of work means the fact of being given honor and respect by the people to manual labor.

Commonly, man wants to have an easy way of earning. Influenced by this innate desire, educated lot wants to do white collar jobs in which the use of brain is required more than the use of body. Office worker, no doubt, finds a neat and clean environment and a pleasant nature of work. But the world needs more than that to spin its wheel. The hordes of things which we need in our routine life are manufactured in factories by the blue-collar laborers, technical workers and engineers. Their job is more important in a way as they fulfill the needs of others in practical life. Thus they do more dignified work and deserve more respect and honor for their role in the scheme of the universe.

There was a time when the public, especially in the developing countries, did not give respect to manual work. But today, unemployment, pressing financial needs of everyday life and awareness through media have changed the way of thinking. Nowadays people are more willing to acquire practical skills to earn their bread and to establish their own business. They also know that all the progress in the advanced world is due to Industrialization and technical potential.

Government has set up a large number of technical institutions in the country at district and Tehsil level to train the youth to meet the needs in different fields. TEVTA is playing its full-fledged role in this regard. Many institutions of technical and professional training are established with the technical and financial assistance of advanced countries. These institutions are producing the teachers who cater to further technical needs. A hard working person does not have reservations about serving as a farmer, factory worker, laborer, sweeper, carpenter or a woodcutter. Manual labor may be hard and tedious but there is no disrespect attached to it.

The survival of the world depends upon the work done by its inhabitants. Every work has its role in the formation of a composed life.

There is no sound reason to look down upon an ordinary work or its doer.

In the present age, the dignity of labor has been established across the globe. The actual point of concentration, in indigenous context, is that usually in our society, there is insufficient opportunity to learn different kinds of skills. Consequently, people have to depend on the trained persons privately. In this situation, a new learner is exploited a great deal at every step.

He spends more time and learns less. He is rendered a slave worker in many conditions. The need of the day is that the government must set up technical institutions at grass root level to meet the needs of training for a common person close to his abode so that he may not suffer in the process of learning and training. He should also be given financial assistance to establish himself as a skilled person in the society. Teams the problem of unemployment can also be solved and a common man may be rendered a self-sufficient person who can lead his life with dignity and respect.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       517 Views

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