
Mothers day - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Urban approach
  3. Rustic mothers
  4. Role of a mother
  5. Old age and vulnerability
  6. Conclusion

Unnoticed Event

For most of the population in this country, not only Mother’s Day elapses unknowingly, even the existence of mothers goes unnoticed year after year till they are laid to rest, after spending a lifelong routine of domestic drudgery, with their desperate longings for comfort.

Far from the glittering lights of the city, where Mother’s Day is contrived on a small scale by the affluent strata of society merely to celebrate a day for diversion, a rustic mother does not know anything about this day, nor about her rights as a human being. Indigenously, this day does not play a vital role in the uplift of those mothers who actually need it badly, nor can any temporary concern — for a day or two — bring her an evident relief. Rather, this moral obligation requires serious consideration and thoughtful planning on a permanent basis. For this endeavor, the basic fabric of family life needs to be reviewed. The family structure must be improved in the best interests of mothers. They should enjoy greater regard and leisure with a categorical assurance of basic subsistence in the loving and caring atmosphere of the house. On the contrary, they are left miserably dependent on the family’s behavior which is usually selfish, indignant, and exploiting. They have to go deaf and dumb only for a frugal subsistence.

Apathy towards mothers

Whilst Mother’s Day puts the issue on the anvil, it is quite insufficient to address the widespread apathy towards mothers by their progeny on the practical front.

The offspring usually consigns the services and life of the mother to oblivion and rarely acknowledges the hardships she has to undergo, upbringing poor little souls to a mature phase. The irony of fate is that the number of children is believed to be a source of solace though it hardly ever comes true.

Mothers, particularly in old age, appear highly vulnerable. They, therefore, deserve more care with the passage of time. Proper care, a balanced diet, and readily available medical treatment can lend them a couple of years more to live.

Mother Remains at the Serving End

The position of mother, that she is always at the serving end, must be changed. She spends most of her lifespan in serving the household, but at a certain point, she must be relieved without making her completely inactive and paralyzed.

Despite the imperfections involved, Mother’s Day is a reminder to all to acknowledge the selfless services of mothers and to express our gratitude for the contribution they have made to our lives.

The great way to observe Mother’s day is that — markedly on this day — we must shift her responsibilities onto our shoulders, letting her have a day off. It will also make us realize what a colossal amount of work and stress she has been coping with, throughout her life without a break. We ought to prepare a hearty breakfast to serve her with a bunch of gaily-colored flowers. The chief purpose of this day is to make the mothers realize that they are extraordinary earthlings without whom home looks desolate and life deficient.

Mothers are the entire world for us. At a tender age, our lives revolve around them. We call them out in distress. We seek their shelter in grave perils. They are the axis of our life. They provide us with great consolation in adverse circumstances. We shall hardly be able to repay them for their pains. However, we must do everything, whatever is within our power, to give them relief from the rigors of life.

On this day, we must beg their forgiveness for our improprieties, incompatibilities, and negligence. And mind that only a few are blessed enough to possess this enormous dignity.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 27 Nov 2019       600 Views

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