
Essay outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Reasons
  3. Worldwide phenomenon
  4. Pakistan’s brain drain
  5. Effects
  6. Preventative measures
  7. Conclusion

Human capital flight, more commonly referred to as “brain drain’, is the large-scale emigration of a large group of individuals with technical skills or knowledge.

The term “brain drain” was coined by the Royal Society (in Britain) to describe the emigration of “scientists and technologists” to North America from post-war Europe.

Brain drain is common amongst developing nations where marketable skills are not financially rewarded.

The reasons, in terms of countries, are lack of opportunities, political instability, economic depression, law and order and health risks. Individual reasons may be overseas relatives, preference for an improved career, better pay or living conditions, etc.

Immigration to greener pastures is a global phenomenon. People from all over the world have been migrating in large numbers to better environment. Usual destinations are Western Europe, America, Canada and Australia.

In recent years, the uncertain political situation and better job opportunities abroad have persuaded many Pakistanis to seek prospective interests outside the country.

The number of Pakistanis who wish to settle abroad is rising every year and the ones who are actually capable of breaking loose are coincidentally the educated ones, contributing alarmingly to the growing crisis of the Pakistani brain drain.

Unfortunately, either the government does not realize the severity of the problem or prefers to brush it under the carpet. The migration of the Pakistani professionals to foreign countries, namely, US, UK, Canada. Australia and New Zealand has increased considerably with young educated and skilled Pakistanis such as doctors, It experts, scientists and other professionals.

Gulf countries are particularly a heaven for doctors and engineers nowadays. The fact that workers from all skill levels are losing faith in the economic future of the country was revealed by a recent Gallup survey that indicated that even the semi-skilled and unskilled workers want to migrate to rich countries in search of better prospects. There is no mint system in the country. Nepotism is rampant in the society. Then the public is deprived of modem day facilities. Owing to these issues, sixty-two per cent of the adults who were surveyed expressed the desire to migrate abroad while 38 per cent said that they would prefer to settle abroad permanently.

The greatest effect of brain drain on any country is what is seen in Pakistan today; rampant corruption, poor administration, lack of motivation and a fast diminishing nationalism. Unless there is nationalism, there can be no collective progress and poverty and crime will continue to increase under prevailing conditions.

The government should give incentives to the educated and skilled hands to take up the reins of the land otherwise when the educated are away, the uneducated will play — as they are playing at the moment.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       576 Views

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