
Eassay outline

  1. Introduction
  2. General reasons
  3. A house on fire in the neighborhood
  4. Preventive measures
  5. Conclusion

It is hard to believe if someone did not see an incident of fire throughout his life in our society. Every other day, we read in the newspaper about some sad incident of big fire.

There are so many reasons for fire incidents but all of them are controllable. With a little care, we can reduce such mishaps that cause irreparable loss. At homes, normally in poor localities and slums, people light the fire for household use but do not care much of its spread. Sometimes clothes of people sitting near a fireplace catch fire. In some incidents, a candle left burning after the whole household goes to bed, bums the house to ashes. The incidents of an electric short circuit are also common phenomena. Fireworks are another major reason of fire spark resulting in a catastrophic outcomes. Sometimes a pile of wood accumulated in the house for fuel catches fire accidentally. Anyhow in our set-up of living, there may be diverse causes of these sad incidents.

A few days ago, I observed a house on fire in my neighborhood. It was midnight. All the people were enjoying a sound sleep. I was staying awake due to the preparation of my coming examination. All of a sudden, I heard some noise outside. I rushed out. A large number of people were running across the street. A house was on fire in my neighborhood. Huge columns of smoke were rising to the sky. People were trying to extinguish the fire with buckets of water. In the meanwhile, fire brigade reached and the firefighters spread a network of fire hose. They dealt with the catastrophe professional by and got control over the fire after a heroic struggle of two hours. The building was completely destroyed but luckily, there was no loss of life. Next day, I came to know from the newspaper that the fire was caused by a candle in the kitchen.

There are some suggestions as preventive measures to avoid such incidents. Fire is a great help in everyday life but it is a great enemy of life when not handled wisely. We should ensure that all the fire in the house is teaching requires complete devotion. A teacher’s main interest should while in teaching. A person who is not interested in his work cannot do justice with his job. Teaching should be a passion for a teacher and not only a means of earning.

A good teacher must be a good learner at the same time. He should keep in touch with the new developments and trends in the field of education. He should be a studious person.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       711 Views

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