
Eassy outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Police rendered no service
  3. After-effects of the event
  4. Deteriorating insecurity
  5. Conclusion

Life is full of sad incidents. Everyone has some tragic experience of life. But some incidents are too horrible to forget.

On March 20, 2010, I was sleeping alone in my room at home while my parents had gone to perform Hajj. Some five armed men entered my house at nearly three a.m. and surrounded my room. They insisted on opening the door. I was greatly terrified because a month ago, a jeweler was killed in such an incident in the next street. When I refused to open the door they began to break through it. As they have disconnected my landline phone by cutting its cable from outside, I used my mobile phone and requested my friends Akram and his brother Aslam, in my vicinity, to save my life. When they reached with a lot of people, the dacoits managed to flee from the scene. I have no clear idea of the persons and the grounds of their enmity. I was thoroughly terrified. I was compelled to leave the house for the time being. When my parents came back, they were grieved to know all this. Anyhow, they called me back from my uncle’s house. As I had seen death at close quarters, I could not forget this incident for long.

My father approached the local police station and personally met the SHO but he declined to register an FIR saying that plenty of FIRs show that the crime rate in the town is high and this often results in the transfer of police inspectors to the police headquarters on inefficiency grounds.

Unfortunately, after some months, Akram, the very person who saved my life, was killed in another sad incident of robbery and the killers are still at large. This increased the horror manifold in my half-dead body.

It is a great misfortune that people are not safe even in their homes. In big cities a lot of people arrange security guards for their homes and businesses yet this is not affordable for everyone. This is very sad that the condition of security and safety is deteriorated so much in our society. Street comes are increasing day by day. A common man does not feel safe in the current situation.

Government should make effective plans for the safety of people. Law enforcement agencies, particularly the police should cooperate with the public and ensure their safety. They should address the grievances quickly. They should make every possible effort to maintain law and order.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       4872 Views

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